
A Marvel Troll Cut All The Women Out Of 'Endgame' And It Ended Up Backfiring Majorly

Ah, yes, we return to the internet. The epitome of maturity, where new ideas come to blossom and grow.

We're also returning to Marvel, the epitome of maturity where new ideas come to blossom and grow.

Spoiler Alert?


Yeah, I mean, for the two people who haven't sacrificed their $13.50 to Disney yet, we're going to talk about the end of Avengers: Endgame.

So, if you haven't seen it, then... probably stop reading.



Now that they're gone, we can talk about the beauty and majesty that was Avengers: Endgame.

What a way to end an era. A ten-year era, at that!

There was the shot.


Which I will always hail as one of the greatest shots in cinematic history and a great example of what CGI can actually do given the right creative minds and a whole lot of money.

Tony's death...


Which, while incredibly sad, was a great way to cap off the character that started the whole franchise.

I mean, I'm sure he'll do voice appearances every now and then, but yeah.

Then there was...


The scene where all the women of Marvel got together and totally kicked Thanos' butt!

It was a very empowering scene and also a very awesome one to boot.

And the rest...


Well, I mean, there was a whole lot of "the rest" but it was all pretty dang good.

Some cool time traveling, some Professor Hulking and a bunch of other stuff.



Somewhere, lurking in the deep dark depths of the internet, something was stirring.

A fury, a rage that had been building for years and years and finally manifested itself when they saw the Marvel Women scene.

It means...


That they took all the women out of the movie, or at least all the important moments are taken out.

So Carol Danvers doesn't save Tony, Natasha doesn't sacrifice herself to get the Soul Stone...

And, of course...


The scene where they all team up to beat on Thanos is cut. Now, do you see how ridiculous this sounds?

Do they just put big black markers over the women if they're in scenes with men?

Someone "Defeminized" 'Endgame'.


Listen, I know this is serious and I shouldn't laugh, but what the heck?

Seriously, when I first read those words I couldn't help but laugh. What does that even mean?



They cut out all the scenes they deemed too "gay".

So men hugging, cut. Uh... wouldn't taking all the women out of the movie make it a lot more "gay"?

And there's more...


They took out T'Challa's small part in the movie as well.

I assume you can guess the reasons as to why, but just in case you're a little slow it's because of racism.

But since the women did most of the heavy lifting, it backfired.


Basically, without Natasha's sacrifice and Carol's interference, nothing got done in the movie.

It's just a bunch of people who lose against Thanos.

What do you think?


Honestly, I kind of just want to see this thing.

Not because it doesn't have female characters, but to see what the movie looks like. What is it, like 30 minutes long?



The new extended version of Avengers: Endgame is coming out soon, which means we'll probably have an edition with even more female representation.

Which, just in case you weren't listening, is a good thing.