Reddit | probglum

16+ People Who Do Whatever They're Doing Like Nobody Else

Nowadays, it can be a little hard to stand out from the crowd. A lot of styles and expressive ideas that once seemed shocking and unique are now as mainstream as a suit and tie and it's hard to find creative ground that somebody hasn't already tread on.

However, every now and then, we can get an idea that becomes so compelling that we feel like we'll regret it if we don't at least give it a try.

And whether these people had such an idea or this is just what they do every day, they definitely did something distinct.

It's hard to tell how this tattoo came to be, but I can't say I'm mad at it.

Reddit | apkryptos

I guess somebody found out that they used to call trains "iron horses" and this is what happened after they let their mind wander.

It's the best explanation I can think of, anyway.

This may not seem like such an unusual decoration, but your feelings might change after you wake up next to it.

Reddit | ladybird31

I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be anyone in particular, but it seems like it would be hard to own this without feeling watched all the time.

I don't know, something about this table doesn't seem too sturdy.

Reddit | Stephen-Payne

Maybe years of seeing bands wreck their guitars onstage destroyed my faith in the strength of their necks, but I guess that wine bottle demonstrates why this is at least convenient.

I've seen people show some dedication to their favorite animals, but figuring out how to mold their car into one seems like a cut above.

Reddit | Ostrantula

And that's before you noticed that they apparently decided to give this thing human lips. Now, I'm just confused.

In this context, even someone who understood the lady who wrote this wouldn't know what point she was trying to make.

Reddit | ToeSuc4U

This Serbian phrase comes from an 1847 poem by Petar Njegoš and says, "No one has yet drunk a cup of honey without mixing it with a cup of gall."

She preceded this by saying, "Accomplish to murder is punishable by law."

What she meant was that the chef at this cafe had accidentally left a toothpick in her sandwich. It seems like there are easier ways to communicate that.

It's hard to tell exactly where this is, but whoever runs this place is definitely enthusiastic about corn.

Reddit | SkeletorSurprise

If nothing else, I suppose it would make it easier for people to give each other directions if this piece is as big as it seems.

I'm sensing a theme in the way this dog's owner had them groomed.

Reddit | ApeCommando

Not only did they deck it out in both Adidas shoes and the logo, but I'm pretty sure the tail was groomed in the shape of a shoe.

Somewhere, there's a cat owner who did something similar, but with Pumas.

I have to admit, this is a pretty festive and charming thing to do to your dreadlocks.

Reddit | unoiamaQT

I just wouldn't wouldn't give it try until you can find a day with lots of wide open spaces. The more doors you have to go in and out of, the worse this idea will seem.

I've seen people make clothes out of Ikea bags before, but the results didn't quite turn out like this.

Reddit | Memeiorite

For me, the strangest thing here is how serious this young man looks about the fact that he seems to be cosplaying as Swedish Baby Huey.

I think this is the only time I've been so enticed and grossed out at the same time.

Reddit | dastardlymustardly

On one hand, this cake looks perfectly chocolaty and delicious. On the other hand, the fact that it was modeled after the Bristol stool chart for measuring poops leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Since this was in a dentist's waiting room, this was probably an attempt at a friendly mascot that went terribly wrong.

Reddit | Polarbear987

If little Timmy wasn't nervous about going to the dentist before, he certainly will be now. Don't worry, kids, this isn't the Tooth Fairy.

I'll give the artist this, I don't think I'll ever see a better cheese sculpture of Carrie Underwood.

Reddit | robanders8

That's mostly due to fact that I wasn't expecting even one of such a thing to exist, but I suppose that's still quite an accomplishment.

I can't say that "PT Cruiser" is the first car to come to mind when I try to picture an engine of unholy destruction.

Reddit | TheChumOfChance

This darkly adorned ride is sure to scare every WV Beetle, Smart car, and moped that it comes across.

Part of me is impressed that this was even possible, but fire is definitely one thing that shouldn't be included in a haircut.

Reddit | tgAryan

Believe it or not, there are parts of the day where Post Malone doesn't have a cigarette in his mouth. It's OK to leave it out.

I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't Photoshopped, but I think I just need this to really be happening.

Reddit | -AKDO-

Either this guy knows essentially every song with mostly low notes in existence or his arms are a lot more flexible than they seem.

I can only guess that this person is doing this just to flex on yokels like me who can't use chopsticks.

Reddit | unoiamaQT

I think I did a little better on my most recent attempt last week, but it still seemed unlikely that I was gonna finish that noodle bowl in less than two hours so I gave up.

I've seen people who loved 'King Of The Hill' enough to get a tattoo, but none seemed quite as ambitious as this foot mural.

Reddit | sixftsith

I can't help but notice that they also separated the most level-headed of these friends from the ones who need the most direction.

That was a good touch.

For people who are Star Wars fans, this would actually be pretty amusing.

Reddit | meiscooldude11

If this person didn't do this by themselves at home, I really badly want to know how they explained that they wanted Boba Fett mask hair to a hair dresser.

Who needs a paint job anyway?

Reddit | dayyoungknockout5

Conveniently, the car then pulled into a garage next to a truck that had been decorated with a Sharpie marker.

This is a sure fire way to confuse the ever living heck out of your pets.

Reddit | orangetango799

But let's be honest, she's probably confusing more humans than dogs with those things. I'm sure people are too scared to ask if they're taxidermy, but you know we're all thinking it.

I guess anything can be fashionable nowadays?

Reddit | ckkk1014

If we're being totally honest though, doesn't that warning kinda make you want to eat the packet more? Like, no, I wasn't thinking about eating the weird packet from my new shirt, but now that you've outright told me that I can't, I just might try it.

Is this one of those "force yourself to see something often so it doesn't have power over you" things?

Reddit | skullcartella12

Though, this person does have great attention to detail. The ashes at the tips are a gross-yet-elegant touch.

Which scene from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is this?

Reddit | kitten_butz4

Ever had the urge to give your haircut its own haircut? No? Not even once? Yeah, yeah me neither.

Up next on the chronicles of straight people:

Reddit | greatinsulto5

This woman decided to get her husband's bite mark tattooed on her shoulder. And no, I'm not sure how long it'll take before she's a vampire. Stop asking me.

This may be the first time in my life in which I am TRULY speechless.

Reddit | amydonnely1

Those are ultrasound manicures. I just typed those two words together. Ultrasound. Manicures. I'm not judging, I just really need an explanation so that I can sleep tonight.

Hey Ken, Wanna Go For A Ride?

Reddit | Tannrrr

We all love a good Barbie dream wedding, but something about this is particularly, um, unique.

Never thought I'd say this, but I think I'll pass on the Popsicle.

Reddit | bobba_posts_122

Who gave you the right to create and destroy at will as if you're some kind of god?

I can't even critique this really because he is SNATCHED.

Reddit | tiudiamond

Odd inspiration, but the color payoff? 12/10.

It's not easy being meat. The color

Reddit | Varth

I just really hope that this monstrosity is being properly cooked. That's all I'm concerned about here. Just don't get food poisoning folks.

Now I Lay Thee Down To Sweet Chili Heat.

Reddit | evadid45

Some people want to be buried under a tree, which is pretty standard. Some people even want to be turned into a vinyl record, which is again, doable.

Then there's the pepper coffin.

Tissue for your issue?

Reddit | renessancemadds45

This is high key my mother's dream come true.

Some do say that our technology will outlive us.

Reddit | japaneasejesus

Interesting choice is probably the world's biggest understatement. But you know what? To each their own.

In some rural areas, it's not completely unheard of for a carriage to pull up to a McDonald's window.

Reddit | probglum

However, you could largely expect the ones doing this where I was born to be dressed more in traditional Mennonite clothing than something Little Nicky would wear.

This isn't a tattoo, this woman actually has a couple of fish swimming around her collarbone.

Reddit | Scaulbylausis

Apparently, there's enough space there that she was able to fill it with enough water to support these little guys.

They may not be comfortable, but that's still pretty amazing.

Either this guy is a much more extreme shopper than I'm aware of, or he's been awkwardly straddling the bike the whole time.

Reddit | Bigreddog19

I guess I can see how parking the bike outside seems silly when you're just grabbing a couple of things, but good luck convincing store owners of that.