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An Alabama Car Dealership Is Offering Free Guns And Bibles To Customers

Everybody loves a good deal.

Being brought up in the age of capitalism means that we've been conditioned to place a lot of value in what we buy, how expensive it is, and how purchasing these things makes us simultaneously unique and just like everyone else.

You want to buy things that other people have, but you also want to get it for a better price because then you've somehow won the capitalist game.

I'm just as guilty as anyone in this—if something is free, I will take it no matter what it is.

Deals convince us that we're saving, when really we're spending more money.

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Companies know this trick intimately well, and often use 'outrageous deals' to attract traffic and subsequently up their revenue.

Most of these deals are pretty standard, but once in a while, a company will advertise a deal so outrageous that it seems too wild to be true.

This Alabama car dealership has recently come under fire for an odd purchase offer.

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Chatom Ford regularly shares their various deals and favorite customers via their Facebook page, and in honor of the Fourth of July, they're offering a new and interesting deal.

"God, guns, and freedom," the post reads. "Celebrating from July 4th to July 31st here at Chatom Ford."

"Every vehicle purchased new or pre-owned will come with a bible, a 12 Gage shotgun, and an American flag"

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"This is a small gift to our valued customers," the post continues, "And an opportunity for us to celebrate our independence."

At first glance, this deal seems pretty "out there."

However, there does happen to be fine print associated with the offer.

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In order to receive the bible, gun, and flag, a customer must be 18 years or older, have a valid ID, can legally purchase a vehicle, and must "pass all checks associated with owning a [firearm] in state of residency."

According to the Chatom Ford Facebook page, two customers have already taken them up on the offer.

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"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Flowers for being the first to take advantage of our July 4th celebration by purchasing this beautiful Jeep and to receive a bible, 12 gauge, and [an] American flag!" the post reads, "You could be next."

Commentors seemed incredibly enthusiastic about the deal.

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"Hot darn! If only I were in the market for a vehicle," one comment reads. "The perfect one-stop shopping!"

"Just like a true Southern American!" another writes. "God bless you!"

This one of those deals that people are either going to absolutely love or absolutely hate.

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One the one hand, handing out guns as incentive to buy cars is pretty dangerous, and assuming that everyone who buys a car in Alabama is Christian is maybe a tad presumptuous.

On the other, responsible Americans with proper licensing would likely benefit from a deal like this, so long as they had good intentions.

Either way, this might just be the most American thing I've seen in a long time.

h/t: Yahoo Lifestyle

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