16 Coincidences That Show The World Is A Strange And Mysterious Place

I wonder a lot about whether I believe in coincidences or not. Part of me thinks that there is no such thing. Whatever divine power is working for us out there would probably never be so lazy as to allow things to happen by accident. But then again, I think life is a little more interesting and magical when you believe in chance.

1. This one is so crazy. I’ve seen a lot of weird things on public transit, but this is by far one of the most interesting. 

Reddit | Reddit

Maybe I will be less angry about tangled headphones from now on.

2. It took me a while to realize that this statue is covered in bees because their hive is on the statue’s head. 

Reddit | navy996

It looks like it belongs there! I guess, according to the bees, it does.

3. I would like to think this beautiful, tiny bird friend is doing some fact-checking. 

Reddit | DieSmiling666

I mean, who would know better than he would? Not this human-written manual, that’s for sure.

4. The amount of precision and aim it would take to accomplish this actually blows my mind.

Reddit | DJtacos

Probably because my aim is so terrible, it just doesn’t seem right that someone else’s should be this good.

5. So, this chef is wearing a hat! It perfectly blends in with the color of the sky.  

Reddit | CharlieN_

Did you see it? It took me a few seconds, that’s for sure.

6. This sign looks like it has the most ridiculous haircut.  

Reddit | JDrift01

In reality, it looks like grass has just grown inside the sign. Is this possible? I would like to think so.

7. I always wondered if the rainbow on this album cover was all lined up like a proper rainbow. 

Reddit | Griswold189

Turns out, it is! Who knew one band could be so talented?

8. Do you think that the mountains came first, or the trailer?

Reddit | tomboski

I would like to think the trailer, but that just isn’t scientifically sound, sadly. It was a nice dream while it lasted.

9. It's amazing how much the tattooed dragonfly looks like the real one. 

Reddit | Callyzone

I feel as though the real dragonfly might've thought he was swooping in to impress a honey, but the joke's on him.

10. Honestly, things like this make me believe in magic. This is so insane.

Reddit | Reddit

Now, serious question, did this just happen by coincidence or by some crazy talent this artist has?

11. Corgis are already perfect because they are dogs and we don’t deserve them. 

Reddit | tortugatuba

But this little guy is even an amazing beach accessory! Look at him, matching up with the waves.

12. I almost don’t believe that this happened by accident.

Reddit | Reddit

Then again, it's so weird that how could it have happened any other way? We are never this clever, no matter how hard we try.

13. So, I think that this one is my favorite of the bunch. It’s so mysterious and magical looking. 

Imgur | Imgur

It’s bananas how much perspective can change things and trick us. So beautiful.

14. OK, this is cheating a little bit because they definitely got this license plate for their dog.

Reddit | airbrat

But what are the chances that the sweet angel would be looking right out at you so that it all made sense?

15. This mom dog had three puppies, and just to keep everything organized, they came out numbered. 

Reddit | chaos_ej

Those are some serious mom skills, right? Plus, nothing wrong with some adorable puppy bums.

16. Not only is the moon out during the day and the sign for the street says "moon," but it also has a sign pointing right at the moon! 

Imgur | Imgur

Amazing, right?