Reddit | Aidanmartin3

You Can Visit A Giant Dog Sculpture Made Out Of Flowers Because Why Wouldn't You?

Hello. Please kindly answer a few very important questions for me. Do you love art? Do you love art in the form of sculptures? Do you love dogs? Do you love flowers? Do you love all of the above?

Then you need to get yourself to the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, where a giant floral doggo exists.

I don't know about you, but I'm about ready to pack my bags and head to Bilbao, Spain to check out this giant floral dog sculpture located at the Guggenheim Museum.

Reddit | Aidanmartin3

It's called Puppy, and it was created by the famous artist Jeff Koons.

Can you guess what kind of dog it is? I bet you can't so I'll tell you.

Instagram | @the_herlander

It's a West Highland terrier, better known as a Westie.

If you still don't know what that dog looks like, it's the dog from the Cesar dog food commercials. Ring a bell now?

How do they get all the flowers to stay, you ask?

Instagram | @betterbrian

The base is made of concrete and covered with turf, wire mesh, and geotextile fabric to secure the plants and ensure they live happy and healthy.

The coat of the floral doggo changes every May and October, so you can go twice a year and see a different pupper.

Instagram | @horas_de_vuelo

It's upkeep requires 20 people, 9 days, and at least 38,000 flowers.

Are they looking for workers? Hello, hi. I volunteer as tribute.

So, who's heading to Spain with me?

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