10+ Irredeemable Movie Characters

One of the most common themes in any movie is the idea of redemption. Audiences love nothing more than seeing a hero fall only to then rise to the occasion and pick themselves back up again.

But as much as we love cheering for a hero to succeed, what really entices film audiences is watching a villain crumble. See what I mean and check out these 10+ irredeemable movie characters.

The Joker in *The Dark Knight*

Alfred said it best "some men just want to watch the world burn." If that doesn't sum up the Joker in all his anarchistic glory, then I don't know what will.

The Joker has always been a criminal, but in The Dark Knight he's truly evil.

Captain Vidal in *Pan's Labyrinth*

Warner Bros.

I made the mistake of thinking that just because Pan's Labyirnth is a fantasy film, that automatically made it a kids' movie — absolutely not so.

Watching Captain Vidal beat a man to death with a bottle is one of the most brutally violent scenes ever put on film.

Willy Wonka in *Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory*

Willy Wonka is a straight-up psychopath. Just what exactly do you think he does with the bodies of those lost children who fell by the wayside as they made their way through his factory of doom?

I, for one, don't want to know.

Amon Goeth in *Schindler's List*

Schinderl's List isn't an easy film to watch, nor is it supposed to be. It's a stark and honest depiction of one of the most truly heinous moments in all of human history.

We're not supposed to feel anything for Goeth, other than hatred.

The Grand High Witch in *The Witches*

Anne Hathaway is not my Grand High Witch. That honor will forever go to the iconic living legend Anjelica Huston.

You couldn't ask for a more detestable movie villain, and I mean that in the most complimentary way imaginable.

Hannibal Lector in *The Silence Of The Lambs*

Hannibal Lecter once openly admitted to eating a census taker's liver with fava beans and Chianti!

While I commend Hannibal on his choice of wine-region, I think we can all agree that cannibalism is a line you just can't come back from once it's crossed.

Jigsaw in the *Saw*

I suppose this should read Jigsaw throughout the entire Saw franchise — he sure was one reprehensible dude when push came to shove.

Not only did he concoct wildly elaborate murder schemes of his own, but he also inspired a slew of copycat killers.

Hans Landa in *Inglourious Basterds*

What makes Hans Landa truly one of the vilest characters in the history of cinema isn't the fact that he's a Nazi — it's that he loves being a Nazi.

Landa is like a cat stalking a mouse: he gets as much pleasure from playing with his food as he does feeding.

Anton Chigurh in *No Country For Old Men*

When Anton Chigurh asked the poor gas station attendant "what's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?" the blood turned to ice in my veins.

If we were making a list of the coldest killers in cinema, his name would undoubtedly be at the very top.

Scar in *The Lion King*

Scar is so evil that he's practically Shakespearean:

He murdered his brother to usurp his thrown, attempted to kill his own nephew, and then to top it off — it's strongly alluded that he sleeps with his slain brother's mourning wife.

It doesn't get much worse than that.

Nurse Ratched in *One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest*

Nurse Ratched is the kind of character that makes you want to kick over the coffee table and start screaming at the TV.

She's nothing more than a sadist with an extreme superiority complex.

Warden Norton in *The Shawshank Redemption*

What's that old saying about absolute power corrupting absolutely?

Warden Norton ran Shawshank Prison like his own person penitentiary and reduced the inmates to nothing more than his playthings.

In the end, not even he could live with the consequences of his actions.

Darth Vader in *Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back*

Sure, Vader makes a last-ditch effort at morality in Return of the Jedi, but in The Empire Strikes Back he's bad to the bone.

Don't forget that it was Darth who placed Han Solo into the carbonite — what a jerk.

Annie Wilkes in *Misery*

Kathy Bates's performance in Misery is truly the stuff that nightmares are made of.

Very few films are able to convey the extreme sense of isolation, and the terror that comes from being at the mercy of your captor in the way that Misery does.

Grandpa Joe in *Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory*

Grandpa Joe stayed in bed for 20 years and made his daughter provide for him. Then, as soon as Charlie wins the Golden Ticket, he jumps out of bed ready to roll?!

He also steals Fizzy Lifting Drinks and encourages Charlie to sell the Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth.