Dilly Dogs Are A Pickle-Lover's Answer To Corn Dogs

Many people love a good food trend when it goes viral. Everyone knows that social media is the best place for learning about new food trends and viral treats. Luckily, everything looks delicious on social media!

If you're a pickle lover, this is something you're going to want to see.

Unsplash | Drew Geraets

For those who love pickles, you know there's nothing better than combining your love for pickles with your love for other foods and snacks.

Now, Dilly Dogs are making it possible to combine pickles and — get this — corn dogs!

Dilly dogs take the best of both worlds — pickles and corn dogs! They combine the two by putting the hot dog into a pickle, and then frying it up just like a corn dog.

Apparently, people absolutely love it!

People who have tried it say that it's absolutely a must-have, especially if you love pickles AND corn dogs.

But, you can only get it at some spots.

Many people on Instagram are saying that a lot of state fairs and local markets are cooking these up, but it doesn't hurt to try and make them at home, yourself, too!