Garden Center Sets Up DIY Potting Bar For Customers To Design Their Own Planters

Who here is a little intimidated by growing plants? I have to say, I am. I just don't know why, but I have a hard time keeping indoor plants alive.

So when I heard about this DIY potting bar, I have to admit I was intrigued. What a cool way to get people comfortable and accustomed to planting! Check this out.

The Groovy Plants Ranch in Ohio has come up with such a neat idea to get people excited about plants.

They have a DIY potting bar that they have set up. OMG, what a fantastic idea, no? I've never heard of something like that.

What exactly is a DIY potting bar, you ask?

Unsplash | Annie Spratt

It's as simple as it sounds. At the ranch, you can pick from an array of super cool and exotic plants. Once you settle on one, you don't have to take it home to pot.

Instead, you can find lots of beautiful pots to put your plant in right there.

You then can use the potting bar station to grab some soil and plant away. That way you won't make any mess at home. Isn't that brilliant or what?

I think it would be fun to get to know a few facts about various plants while you get to plant them in beautiful pots.

What do you think of that idea? The staff at the Groovy Plants Ranch are very knowledgeable and eager to help.

I know I could use some serious help in the planting department, hehe.

Perhaps if there were a place like this where I live, I would be a lot more confident about owning indoor plants. That's for sure. How about you?

And, guess what? When you use the DIY potting bar, the ranch will give you the soil free of charge.

Ah, isn't that so nice of them? I think it's going to encourage more people to use this awesome bar.

Take a look at these gorgeous pots they have at the ranch.

Aren't they so beautiful? I always have a hard time finding pretty pots for my plants. I've looked at so many places like Walmart and so far — no luck!

I don't know about you, but I feel like potting plants sounds more fun in a place like this, huh?

To me, it beats doing it at home. This way, I would be more confident I'm doing it right, too.

So what do you think of a DIY potting bar?

Would you use it yourself? I really wish there was a place that did that around where I live. It would be an absolute treat to be able to visit it and get to plant like this.