People Online Are Loving A $15 Product That Instantly Fixes Holes In Your Wall

Repairing holes in drywall can be a daunting task for many homeowners. Not everyone is skilled to do so. Many folks out there end up hiring contractors to fix stuff like this, and the cost can really add up.

But what if I told you there is one product that is a sure fix for small repairs like these? And, best of all, it won't set you back a lot.

You can pay a contractor over $100 to fix just a few small holes in your drywall.

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Or you can just buy this nifty product for a mere $15 and patch up every hole in your entire house. How do you like that?

Okay, so what is this miracle product, you ask?

It's the 3M High Strength Small Hole Repair All in One Applicator Tool. You can buy it on Amazon for about $15. Wow, that sounds a lot better to me, ha, ha.

A video on TikTok recently went viral because the person who posted it used this very tool.

It was so easy to do that folks literally flipped out over it. Do you want to know how to do it, too? Let's go!

In the video, TikTok user @renaenaa follows just a few simple steps.

Step one, take a hammer and tap the hole so that protruding bits of drywall get pushed inside. Then you squeeze a small amount of the putty inside the hole.

Now, you can flip the tool around and use the flattened edge to flaten out the spackle.

Wow, that's already so easy, no? I love this process. Don't you? I'm such a sucker for easy home reno and fix-up options.

Wait a few minutes for the area to dry.

Then use the built-in sander on the tool's cap to sand down the spackle a bit more. Now, all you need to do is tap a paintbrush to the wall a few times and voilĂ .

Do you want to know what the best part is?

This tool comes with everything you will need. It contains a spackle, primer, putty knife, and a sanding pad. Whoa! You can use it on a variety of home reno projects.

I love this tool so much.

It's no surprise to me that people on TikTok went wild for it. It's never fun when you have to move from your apartment and realize there are holes left behind. Landlords can charge you for it.

Who knew that a simple and affordable solution to fix holes in the wall like this existed, huh?

I learn so much from TikTok every day, ha, ha. What about you? How do you fix stuff like this in your house?