10+ Celebrities Who Worked For Minimum Wage Jobs

Celebs weren't always living the high life.

Once upon a time, they were just like us: taking minimum wage jobs to survive. This includes everything from fast food to designing X-rated film sets...

Sure, they weren't easy, but they taught these celebs the basis of hard work and the value of money.

Here are 10+ celebs who worked miumum wage.

1. Meghan Markle

You may have heard that the royal did calligraphy for Paula Patton and Robin Thicke's wedding invitations.

That wasn't the only time she put her skills to good use. Before making it in Hollywood, she would use her penmanship skills to make money.

2. Hugh Jackman

Before he began his trolling war with Ryan Reynolds, the actor was clowning around in a different way.

"I was Coco the Clown and I had no magic tricks and I remember a six-year-old standing up at a party saying, 'Mummy, this clown is terrible, he doesn't know any tricks' — and he was right," he told the Daily Mail.

3. Jennifer Aniston

Friends wasn't the only time Jen worked as a waitress. She also worked as one in real life and loved it.

Her other minimum wage job of time-share selling, though? Not so much. "I hated that job," she told Parade magazine.

4. Jon Hamm

Believe it or not, the Mad Men actor used to design the sets of X-rated movies...

He told The Sun that his job was to "move furniture around sweaty, naked people" and that he did it to make it as an actor.

5. Barack Obama

Once upon a time, the former president of the United States scooped ice cream!

"Rows and rows of rock-hard ice cream can be brutal on the wrists," he wrote on LinkedIn about his time at Baskins Robins.

6. Jim Carrey

The actor was forced to work a minimum wage job in high school.

That's because his father lost his job, requiring the family to work nights to clean an Ontario warehouse,. He even quit school at 16 to go full-time.

7. Elizabeth Banks

The actress spent two summers selling popcorn. But it wasn't out of a local theatre. Instead, it was in a little red wagon outside.

"It was about 197 degrees inside of it," she told Us Weekly.

8. Brad Pitt

The chicken restaurant, El Pollo Loco, should be sued for hiding the actor's beautiful face while he worked there as a teen.

That's because he had it hidden underneath the chicken suit they made him wear!

9. Miley Cyrus

While Miley spent most of her life working in Hollywood, there was a time where she learned about hard labor.

At 11, she worked as a housecleaner for a place called Sparkles Cleaning Service. “I was, like, 11 ... I can scrub a toilet," she told Tyra Banks in 2008.

11. Johnny Depp

The actor worked as a pen salesman, but he wasn't really good at it.

"You promise them all these things if they buy a gross of pens," he told Interview magazine "It was just awful. I sold one thing...and I was riddled with guilt...so I talked him out of it."

12. Russell Crowe

You know him as Russell Crowe, but prior to becoming an actor, some knew him as DJ Russ Le Roq.

He worked at a nightclub in Australia, calling it "the easiest thing to pick up women."

13. Danny DeVito

He worked alongside his sisters at their beauty salon.

"I did enjoy it, I loved it," he told The Guardian. "I can joke about the fact that I was thrust into a bevy of beauties every day and I was one of the straight ones."

We wish that was all, but he actually styled the hair of dead people before.

He told the late George Lopez that it was while he used to work at a mortuary.

"Usually really old ladies...and they didn't talk back!"

14. Patrick Dempsey

Just call him McTalented!

He spent his weekends growing up performing at birthdays. Eventually, he got so good that he finished second at the International Jugglers Association Championship as a kid. Juggling even cemented his love of being a performer.

15. Chris Rock

He used to work as a busboy at a local Red Lobster restaurant. But since he was paid so little, he couldn't afford to eat there.

“You're making minimum wage. A shrimp costs minimum wage," he told Jay Leno.

16. Rachel McAdams

Before she attained her supersized career, the actress worked at McDonalds for three years!

"I had a little bit of an OCD thing with hand washing and just didn't have time," she told Glamour. "They were like, 'Hey, the drive-through's backing up. Stop washing your hands!'"

17. Megan Fox

Like Brad Pitt, Megan's gorgeous mug was covered while working minimum wage.

She worked at a smoothie cafe where she had the option of dressing up in an apple or banana costume. "I always went with banana because it was thinner," she told Ellen DeGeneres.

18. Nicki Minaj

The singer wasn't cut out for working minimum wage. She was fired from four Red Lobsters!

One of these times, she got angry at a couple who took her pen. "My manager fired me on the spot."

19. Mariah Carey

She may have a glam squad now, but before she was famous, Carey worked as a salon assistant.

This meant that she was responsible for sweeping up the hair around the salon. Somehow, we can't picture it.