Gorgeous Metal Peacock From Home Depot Is Sure To Make Your Garden Stand Out

You know what your lawn needs? A giant peacock.

No, wait. Go with me on this one. Peacocks are gorgeous, they're kind of weird, and they're just scary enough to keep unwanted critters from hanging out in your garden.

I'm onto something here, y'all! Let's see this thing.

Admit it, this is actually pretty nice.

This metal peacock actually looks like a little art piece! I love that the colors make it look almost iridescent. The purple is my favorite part, not gonna lie.

This thing is pretty big.

It stands at 23 inches tall, which is nearly the size of an actual, real peacock. I do not recommend skipping this and getting a real peacock. Those things are kinda mean.

It stands on its own, too.

No garden stakes needed — this peacock has a loop around the back of the feet that gives it good balance in your garden.

Birds would totally leave you alone if you had this thing out.

You can get it at Home Depot!

It retails for $80.16 and you can order it online right here! Now, it's no giant Home Depot skeleton, but it's the perfect thing for the Up fans among us.