10+ Clever Pool Noodle Hacks We Just Had To Share

Who here loves crafts and is always looking for nifty ways to DIY stuff? If that's you, then listen up. I'm going to give you a bunch of cool ideas you can do with pool noodles. Yes, you heard me right.

We are talking about the same pool noodles your kids use to swim around the pool. You wouldn't believe how versatile they can be.

I have to be honest when I say that I've never thought of using pool noodles for other purposes.

But now that I've realized how useful they can be, I need to stock up on them. So let's take a look at some of these crafty ideas.

This Dog Cone Collar Substitute

Oh my goodness, ha, ha! I can't get over the fact that somebody used pool noodles to make this dog cone substitute. Isn't this the funniest thing you've ever seen? The only thing is — the dog isn't laughing.

This Faucet Extender

Do you need to get some water in a bucket, but you can't fit the bucket under your faucet? No problem. It's really easy, especially when you have a pool noodle handy. What a neat idea, huh?

This Cardholder

If you're spending more time playing cards with your kiddos, you may want to do this. Isn't this pool noodle cardholder such a fantastic idea? This way, your hands won't get tired of holding up the cards all day long.

This Couch Helper

This mom was tired of all her kid's toys ending up under the couch, so she came up with a clever solution. She stuffed pool noodles under the sofa to prevent any toys from sliding in there. Wow, so smart, huh?

This Baby-Proofing Idea

Parents have to baby-proof everything when their kids start to crawl. So, this clever couple used pool noodles to baby-proof their toddler's playpen and a bunch of other stuff. I totally get the idea of this, and I love it.

These Pool Noodle Unicorns

Most parents know how obsessed kids get about unicorns. They want to play with them all day. So get yourself some colorful pool noodles and make fancy unicorns out of them. Don't they look so festive here?

This Shoe Support

How do you get your tall boots to stand up when you store them? That's how. I really ought to do this with all my tall boots. How about you? Do you already do this with your shoes?

This Obstacle Course

It has to be hard for parents to keep their kids occupied when there's nothing to do, huh? Well, if you have a backyard, you can totally set up a pool noodle obstacle course like this one. Isn't it brilliant?

This Windshield Helper

Oh, wow! What a great winter solution. This person stuck pool noodles on their windshield wipers to keep them from freezing in the winter. I would never have thought of that. I'm going to pass this tip to my fiancé.

This Pool Drink Holder

What's better than floating in the pool in the summer? Um, I would say having a drink while you do it, of course. Get yourself some pool noodles so you can DIY a drink holder like this one. I like that idea.

This Outdoor Decoration Idea

Did you know that pool noodles are perfect for decoration? Oh, yes. I just learned how to make the cutest popsicles out of these pool noodles, and now I'm obsessed, ha, ha! Don't they look so real?

This Fabric Holder

If you're a crafty person and have a lot of fabric you need to store, get a load of this idea. You can use pool noodles to wrap your fabric around so it won't wrinkle as much.

Oh my gosh, who knew that pool noodles could be so useful, huh?

I had no idea. Now I've found so many cool uses for them I'm going to pick some up at the dollar store. How about you? What have you done with pool noodles?