
20 People Who Played Themselves

Sometimes people can be their own worst enemy! Whether that be by inadvertently giving away all of the security codes for their building or putting fizzy drinks in an iron to make their smooth clothes smell nicer.

With all of this in mind, here are 20 people who played themselves!

"Forgetting about your $5,000 bike on your roof rack as you pull into the garage."

They must have been somewhat desperate for the toilet to have forgotten about this bike and driven into the garage at such speed.

"The downfall of having a bird advisor..."

How did they take so long to notice that this bird was using their laptop as a lavatory?!

"What could go wrong if I don't clear the snow off the roof of my vehicle before driving on the highway?"

I am agog at the fact that anyone would ever even attempt to do this. Just clean it off before you leave?!

"Parking next to a fire hydrant."

One person explained, "They have to put the hose THROUGH the car in this situation because to go over, under or around would put TOO MUCH of a kink in the hose, which could hinder the flow of high-pressure water and cause damage to the hose and become potentially dangerous for anyone nearby or working the hose."

"Having a giant blood sticker on the car was a bad idea!"

How could anyone stick this on their car and not realise that it might just get them pulled over?

"Never lock your dog in the RV."

That dog has some strength in its noggin for it to be able to burst through that door like that!

"Using a Walmart bag when bleaching your hair."

I hope that they can maybe get a sponsorship deal with Walmart after this at the very least.

"Stubborn husband said he didn't need my help putting sunscreen on his back."

I bet that he feels even more dense whenever someone slaps him on the back.

"Shouldn't have blocked a farmer's gate to avoid a parking fee."

It's annoying enough when a single bird craps on your vehicle. This is gonna take some serious cleaning.

"Never pay a tree-cutting company under the table..."

That might buff out, you won't know until you remove the giant tree trunk though.

"Trying to catch a cactus that your cat knocked over..."

It looks like they caught it at least. Maybe try and get your cat to knock over some aloe vera for you to catch next?

"Losing your glasses while rock climbing."

Climbing can be scary enough as it is, never mind with the added hurdle of not being able to see!

"Groundskeeper accidentally sprayed weed killer instead of fertilizer on a school's football field."

I cannot imagine that this was a very easy problem to fix either? Although, what I know about groundskeeping would barely cover a Ritz cracker.

"What could go wrong with filling your iron with sugar water."

I think anyone who needs this warning on a bottle of Volvic has much bigger things to be worried about.

"These two trying to unlock their car to get their keys, while completely overlooking the duct-taped back window:"

Maybe that duct tape took them ages to stick up and so they'd rather break in than see their hard work go to waste!

"You get three guesses to figure out the password."

Guys, maybe wash your hands more before typing the code in, and maybe don't have such a blatant clue right above it!

"Two teams of builders building a bike lane 'on the right hand side'."

"Well, I'm definitely building it on the right hand side."

"Well, so am I!"

"My brain hurts..."

"Autopilot brain..."

Just because something says "Staples" in large text on it doesn't mean that it has staples inside of that's the world we live in apparently.

"Brand new roll of wrapping paper wasn't quite big enough to cover the box, too late to go out and get more, hopefully he won't see it?"

That really must be some box to use up an entire roll of wrapping paper! They covered their bases pretty well though with the note.

"My favorite part is that he appears to be trying to save some of the paint."

There is no way that you're going to save enough of that paint to make it worth your while!