
Woman Goes Viral For Her Rant Against Body Positivity Movement

The body positivity movement is a broad title that sweeps over tons of groups, campaigns, slogans, and acts relating to the encouragement of loving oneself.

However, with how big the movement's gotten, it's bred some rather toxic behaviors that people are becoming sick of. One TikTok user had enough of the patronizing views held by those encouraging body positivity and spoke out against it.

"I *despise* a lot of aspects of the body positivity movement," begins TikTok user @talialichtstein in a post that's now gone viral.

Unsplash | Szabolcs Toth

The video is nearing one million likes and three million views, in which Talia reveals her potentially controversial thoughts regarding the body positivity movement as well as her personal grievances with it.

There's no holds barred in this video as she dives right into her analysis.

"Here's truth number one, many of the reasons women feel the need to alter their bodies [...] it's all rooted in misogyny."

"When we talk about BBLs, when we talk about lip injections, any sort of cosmetic body-altering, when we talk about that, we also need to talk about the beauty standards that have made us feel like we need them. The more we acknowledge that, the more we can unlearn it, right?"

"Now here's the second truth!" she continues. "Any woman who has ever told me to 'love myself' and that 'I'm perfect' [...] they've all been skinny women."

"It's really easy to attack other women for succumbing to or promoting the beauty standards when you were born into the beauty standard. And I am so sick of celebrities who are this big—," she holds up her pinky finger for comparison, "—starting these campaigns telling young girls 'just look in the mirror and love yourself every day'. It's not that easy, Jennifer!"

She then goes on to explain that accepting faults and flaws is okay, and should be encouraged more.

"[...] when I look in the mirror, I think 'damn, I wish my thighs were skinnier'. That's okay for me to think. [...] It is not human to love every inch of your body. You need to stop telling girls that they need to love every part of themselves. What they should practice is accepting themselves, okay? Body neutrality.

"I can confidently say now, as a grown woman, I accept everything about myself. I accept things that I want to change, I accept the things I'll never be able to change, and I love the things that I love."

In an interview with Bored Panda, Talia elaborates on why over-positivity isn't a great angle.

"Being optimistic in dark times is important, but why is it suddenly a bad thing to admit I don’t like something?" she asks. "Why am I constantly being told to counteract every negative thought with a positive one? Wouldn’t it be easier to just feel what I’m feeling and move on?”

She places a big importance on being realistic, on not lying to yourself and others.

"There are times I love how my body looks and times I don’t. If someone’s telling me I should love my body all the time, I’m thinking, well I guess I need to maintain a weight of 135 because that’s when I love how I look the most. That’s just the truth. Everyone has a number on the scale they like the most.

"I personally would rather accept that the number on the scale is gonna go up and down, sometimes I’ll like it, sometimes I won’t, and that’s fine because my body isn’t the most interesting thing about me."

The comment section of her original video seem to agree, with more and more people realizing that toxic positivity is not the healthiest route.

In the interview, she stresses that she doesn't really care what works for others as long as they keep it to themselves, "However, to each their own. You can go ahead and convince yourself to love every inch of your body if that’s what makes you feel good. But don’t force that mindset on me."

What do you think of Talia's thoughts on body positivity? Let us know in the comments!

h/t: Bored Panda

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