Make Halloween Super Uncomfortable With Frisky Skeletons

Halloween is one of the best holidays, hands down, for decorating. Sure, some may think it's Christmas, others may think it's the 4th of July but, Halloween is the time where all the decorations are spooky, sexy, and fun. My number one aesthetic is skulls and black, so to be honest, my house looks like it's Halloween all year round. But, others save their spooky stuff for October.

There are a few key things that everyone uses when decorating for Halloween.

Unsplash | Neven Krcmarek

There are a few different "common" decor pieces that we all see every Halloween season. Spider webs all over the bushes and trees, bats hanging from the branches, pumpkins blown up and carved on people's front steps — we've seen it all.

Some people like to get a bit creative, though.

Unsplash | Clint Patterson

Sure, we know there are a lot of common decorations that we see on every front lawn, but some people want to stand out from the crowd. They don't want their house to look like everyone else's house on the block. They want to turn heads.

Being different is so much fun.

Unsplash | Jimmy Conover

When you're living in a family neighborhood, you want to stir the pot sometimes. It can get boring in that "white picket fence" kind of world, so we need to spice things up. Some people just got to make it a bit crazy from time to time.

If you are that someone, we've got the perfect Halloween decor for you.

This year, why don't you hop on Amazon and order these frisky and horny skeletons that are... playing around. The skeletons are pretty much boning (get it?!?) on everyone's front lawn. It's a bit naughty, but who doesn't want a bit of freakiness on Halloween?

The skeleton couple is pretty detailed.

The blow-up skeletons feature a "female" and a "male" skeleton getting down and dirty, with the female on top and the male basically doing no work and just sitting back and enjoying himself— what else is new?

The frisky skeletons aren't small, either.

The lovers are 5.5-feet-tall, which is basically as tall as the average woman. And, they are 6-feet-wide when you're looking on the side, and 4.9-feet-wide if you're looking from the back.

This is definitely a piece that everyone will be talking about.

If you want to stand out in the neighborhood and have people wanting to stop and take pictures at your house, this is a statement piece that will make it possible to do so. Clearly, there's nothing quite like being controversial, right?

Amazon customers say that the decoration is super sturdy.

Many who got it say that it's "very sturdy" and that it blows up rather fast. Who wants to stand around and wait for it to blow up? Not me. The faster, the better! Also, we need to make sure it doesn't blow away.

Some people online loved their sexy skellys and so did their families.

Some people online loved their skeletons. One person said she got it for her own house and that everyone stopped to take pictures with it and that her grandkids even loved it, too. They even named the skeletons after the grandma and her husband!

Others, however, did not approve.

Some Amazon reviewers were rather negative about the skeletons and thought that it was far too inappropriate for a children's holiday. With so many kids going trick-or-treating, some feel it is inappropriate for the front lawn.

Whether you like it or not, it's definitely a head-turner.

Let's be honest, even if you think it's "too vulgar" for a children's holiday, this company has it on point with this amazing blow-up decoration. It's sexy and it's spooky all in one, which is how we all feel during the Halloween season.

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