One Man Left A Very Passive Aggressive Note To The Man His Wife Was Cheating With

Finding out that your partner has cheated on you is a devastating and unfathomable blow. Many people who find out are absolutely heartbroken and confused as to how and why someone could do that to them.

And, finding out is oftentimes the worst part—especially, if you are the one who finds out firsthand by walking in and seeing them in the act.

There are many different ways that a person can find out they are being cheated on.

Unsplash | Sandy Millar

While finding out you're being cheated on totally blows, the way you find out can be a make-or-break situation about how you feel. Sometimes, we find out through other people. Other people can catch them in the act or see them with someone else and let you know.

Other times, we do some snooping.

When we have a gut feeling, we sometimes go snooping around in drawers, coat pockets, and even through their phones sometimes. And, we see them texting or calling someone they shouldn't be—saying things they shouldn't be.

And, then, there's the worst of all.

Unsplash | Taylor Deas-Melesh

There is nothing worse than finding out that your partner is cheating on you than by walking in on them in the act. Seeing it right then and there can be absolutely devastating and can truly ruin you.

However, there are several ways to handle it.

Unsplash | Usman Yousaf

Some people jump straight to anger—and lose it. I mean, if you walked in on your spouse doing it with someone else, I'm sure you would want to scream and throw things at them immediately.

It turns out there are some other ways to handle it, too.

Unsplash | engin akyurt

Instead of raging out and breaking everything in sight, there are apparently some other ways to handle the whole "I just walked in on my spouse inside of someone else and now I need to take care of this situation immediately."

One Reddit user has proven that there's a pretty sure fire way to handle walking in on your cheating spouse.

Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

Reddit user Harrtard walked in on his wife sleeping with someone else and decided, instead of breaking them up and freaking out, he would write a note to the guy who was sleeping with his wife and leave it for him in his car.

The note is pretty wild.


"Hey, just wanted to let you know that you’re sleeping with someone who’s married and we’re not in an open relationship so you shouldn't really be doing the dirty with her," he started the note.

He pretty much made his stance clear.

Unsplash | Wil Stewart

"I appreciate things can get lonely so don’t mind you popping over for a brew temporarily whilst I’m out but in the future could you give me a heads up so I can move my car for you please," he said.

Some people on Reddit thought this was confusing.

While the husband seemed ticked off, many thought the whole "come over for a brew" thing was a tad confusing and also opened this to happen again...and again. However, others seemed to disagree with this entirely.

One commenter pointed out he's "obviously British."

Unsplash | Aleks Marinkovic

"I disagree. I think they got the message across in a perfect rendition of English British passive aggression and that person will stop.

Sounds like "I'm disappointed in you" which is far worse than "I am angry with you."

I obviously know nothing about the situation but I can't imagine it will be happening again with the cheater as a married person," one person commented.

Others said it's "passive aggressive."

"I think the cheers is a bit passive-aggressive. I think 'many thanks' would set the tone, you want them to know you mean business but are also grateful for their future consideration," another person commented on the post.

What would you have written?

h/t Reddit