
30 People Who Could’ve Had Rings Ran Around Them By Someone With A Killer Hangover

There are some people who, try as they might, simply cannot seem to get things right. I consider myself one of these people whenever something breaks in our house and I try to fix it. No matter how many times I find that my attempts to fix something make them worse, I always try it before calling the professionals out.

With this in mind, please enjoy these 30 people who could've had rings ran around them by someone with a killer hangover!

"I am a menace to society. My dumb pregnancy brain accidentally ordered my husband a burrito with NO TORTILLA."

I actually think that if you got a portion of chips into this mess then that would be one hell of a meal. Christ, am I really going to order a burrito with no tortilla just to try this out?

"This is the best real life ad for sunglasses."

That guy looks more hungover than I do every boxing day. He also looks like he wants nothing less than to be drinking a glass of champagne in the blistering sunlight.

"When you visit the ER and spend a couple of thousand dollars for the doctor to be Captain Obvious."

This doctor clearly went to a pretty easy to get into medical school. Although, he isn't necessarily wrong with his diagnosis, it's just not very helpful.

"I am clearly an idiot."

Now that is the action of a person who is clearly struggling with a hangover, or is still drunk for that matter! I can feel a lack of energy and motivation radiating from this picture.

"This toothbrush that I found today at the supermarket did not have any bristles on it."

The thought of dragging this along my teeth is going through me. Although, it is still better than not brushing your teeth at all...probably.

"I thought I had put socks on my son this morning. Turns out they were gloves. My mother in law sent me this."

I think that all socks should have a little bit that you can grab to pull them off like this!

"They only had one job, but they managed to cock it up..."

Judging on how long it took for me to notice what was wrong here, I am worried that I would probably have made the same mistake if I was putting the driveway in!

"No mask? No problem, I have an idea… But I need you to wait in the car!"

I hope that they are at least clean, please God let them be clean. Although, there is something telling me that they really aren't clean!

"My brother is a little bit dense."

The obvious answer was right in front of him, how did he miss it? Or, maybe their brother is actually just a bit of a renegade who doesn't like being told how to run his life!

"FedEx in Alabama strikes again. This time in Jemison, AL 20 packages were found in the woods."

So that is where all of my packages are going! Someone is just chucking them into a forest and leaving them there to be snaffled up by witches or the like.

"Sometimes I do things that only confirm: I am an idiot."

It looks like that ladder would have become a permanent fixture were it not for the quick thinking of our her, who added, "I just sawed through 2 legs."

They Didn't Even Try...

I don't know if anything has been cared for less than this burger, except perhaps for my dreams and ambitions.

Yeah, you didn't expect for a picture of a burger to get so heavy did you?

"Their clearly idiots judging from this banner..."

I wonder how many people they got applying for this university as a result of this wonderful banner. I would wager that any sign-ups they got were not people looking to study English.

"Maybe they thought it was the same as Spanish?"

Perhaps they are looking to fill this position with someone who is not just a teacher, but a time-travelling teacher. It's a bit of an ask, but it's not out of the realm of possibility!

"An industrial laundry dryer turned this pen into a banana."

I kind of want one now, but I don't know why I would want one or what I would use it for! Maybe they should start selling them! Actually, don't do that, that's really not a sustainable business.

There Surely Has To Be A Better

I love the resigned look on the face of the guy on the right. Something tells me that this is not the first time that he has had to hold something while it gets spray painted.

"The creator of this trophy clearly will not be getting one of the trophies."

I think that I might have to get myself one of these for Christmas, and I am obviously talking about the one that has been ridiculously cocked-up.

A Tale As Old As Time...

"I once got absolutely [hammered] in Central London and jumped on the wrong train home & fell asleep on the train immediately. I was living in South East London - 40 minutes away - and I awoke in Preston near Liverpool," added another person.

Clearly Turnips Are Not Their Strong Suit!

Look, turnips are hard to draw, okay? They're not like people or animals, turnips are much more complex. Trying to capture the internal turmoil of a turnip is a task that not even the greatest artist can manage.

"Had a party and someone took a bite of a fake apple."

I have done some pretty dense things at parties in my time, but I don't think that I have ever done something this stupid...I definitely have, I just don't want to think about it.

"My dog chases Coyotes but won't go pee in the rain unless I cover her with plastic bags."

The plastic bags have really made this dog look like someone's grandmother. I kind of feel as though it is going to ask me if I want some cookies.

"I did a shoot for a local casino, somehow made a face like I just smelt a fart, and they decided to use that shot for their ads."

Now it just looks as though the blonde woman sat next to him has let one go and is trying to play it off.

"The printed lines on this stress ball do not line up with the textured lines!"

This stress ball is doing the opposite of what it was intended to do thanks to this minor disaster. Or, maybe the point is that you direct your rage at this ball and not at everything else that is annoying you?

"A newly installed basketball court in a school yard."

The fault here definitely lies with the person who placed the hoop there, not the person who painted the floor. What were they thinking? It's not even close to being where it needs to be!

"I... I have no words for this."

If only someone had already marked out the perfect place for you to put in some windows?! Ah, what a shame that such a thing didn't already exist in the fabric of this building!

"Two birds with one stone I guess?"

Although, one person did go on to write, "Non-dairy creamer made from a milk protein such as caseinate. Sounds weird but it's a thing. Good for people who are lactose intolerant, bad for people allergic to milk."

"This 'chocolate' color in a pallette."

This palette actually had colors called "Retrograde," "Bothered," and, "Christmas," and no one in the marketing department stopped them? Are all eye-shadows called random things like this?! I had no idea this was happening.

"This brick job in Hungary."

They obviously just had a load of red bricks left over and needed to get rid of them. I mean, who really looks up nowadays anyway? Bloody kids are always looking at their phone and such...Ridley Scott told me so.

It Must Be Christmas In Australia.

I suppose that this could actually stop your cat from being able to get at quite so many of the tree decorations? Also, you could fit way more presents under this tree now that I think about it!

"I'm at a loss for words on this one…"

At least they warned you to watch the step. And, in fairness, it does not anywhere tell you that you should try to use it, just that you should watch it.

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