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People Are Adoring This 5-Year-Old's 'Up' Photoshoot With His Great-Grandparents

For many children, there's something uniquely special about their relationship with their grandparents. While every home should be safe and comforting, parents often need to have certain rules to ensure their kids' healthy development.

When they're at their grandparents' house, however, bending those rules is a proud tradition. In my case, I knew I could always count on my grandma when I was craving McDonald's.

But it wouldn't be telling the full story if we just talked about this aspect of how grandparents have our back. And one heartwarming photoshoot shows that this isn't any different for kids fortunate enough to know their great-grandparents.

Five years ago, part-time photographer Rachel Perman faced an unfortunate situation that turned into a beautiful idea.

Facebook | Rachel Perman

As she told CBS News, she had been diagnosed with cancer soon after having twins and worried that she wouldn't live to see their fifth birthday.

She has since gone into remission and seen that day for herself, so she wanted to find a big way to celebrate.

And so, each child had the opportunity for their own special photo-shoot.

Facebook | Rachel Perman

For five-year-old Elijah, this was a chance to recreate the aesthetics of his favorite movie, Up.

And while he was perfectly dressed for the part with a model balloon house to go with his costume, he wasn't the only one.

That's because Elijah also had the idea to have his 90-year-old great-grandparents dress as Carl and Ellie Fredrickson.

Facebook | Rachel Perman

As Perman wrote on Facebook, her grandparents were "wonderfully willing" and she was amazed at the detail they put into getting into character.

It doesn't hurt that the couple have been described as "true-life love birds."

Facebook | Rachel Perman

So not only did they look the part to an uncanny degree, but they were able to capture the feel of the movie's incredibly emotional opening scene.

Although Perman had only intended this photo shoot to appear on her personal Facebook page, the response was so massively positive that she wanted to show everyone.

Facebook | Rachel Perman

So as CBS News reported, she would end up featuring the collection on her professional page as well.

h/t: CBS News