
Ballerina Has Sweetest Reaction To Finding Pointe Shoes That Match Her Skin Tone

Black and brown girls are not always offered authentic representation, and in the case of the ballerina world, there are many unique challenges that make accessing it even harder.

One girl was able to feel seen, perhaps for the first time, as both a ballerina and a Black woman when she was able to find pointe shoes that matched her skin tone.

Her TikTok video was a celebration of Black excellence.

Eighteen-year-old ballet student, Kira Robinson, posted a video on TikTok of her reacting to unboxing her first-ever pair of pointe shoes that actually match her skin tone.

The video was shared with her 86,000 followers, but a shocking 1.4 million people tuned in and replayed the video over and over again, skyrocketing Kira's emotional reaction into viral territory.

It seems that many inspired viewers were celebrating this moment with her.

Robinson once had to cover her feet with foundation.

In the clip, she explains that without access to pointe shoes with inclusive color selections, Robinson has previously had to put makeup foundation on her footwear to match the color of her actual feet.

A student at the University of Oklahoma, Robinson wanted the same opportunities that other ballerinas at her school did.

In the past, she's had to go with the flow to do what she loves.

As The Independent reported, Robinson is hopeful that the world will embrace Black and brown ballerinas and consider them when it comes to clothing, and many other opportunities.

Her story echoes the true lack of representation, and it needs to be changed.

Robinson also reminds us that Black women can do anything.

There are many doors that close on talented Black women and they seldom get a chance to be who they are. And Robinson offers millions of people a meaningful glimpse into the inequities that still exist for her and many others as a Black ballerina.

Let us know what you think in the comments and if you think that inclusivity like this is a step in the right direction.

h/t: The Independent