15 People That Prove The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree

When people my age started having kids, I was like, "Oh no, that's rough."

I'm not gonna lie, it took me a bit longer than my peers to see the appeal of having children. But I now realize how fun it could be to have a couple of mini-me's running around!

After all, kids take after their parents more than we even know...and these fifteen folks prove it.

1. This phone-obsessed mother-daughter duo. 

Reddit | Sauronkraut

In this day and age, seeing this is probably a lot more common than ever before. Do you think they're texting each other?

2. This father and son with very similar interests and hobbies.

Reddit | breakno

What is this? A van for ants? We foresee a life full of road trips and sing-a-longs for this little guy.

3. This little one who follows suit.

Reddit | Shroomz_Eater

Like father, like son. If this isn't proof that your kids are always watching, then we don't know what is!

4. This new mom and her firstborn that look exactly like her mom and her firstborn.

Reddit | yessykeena

We could have sworn the image on the left was some cool Instagram filter.

5. This couch full of three generations.

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

Glad this family got to spend some quality napping time together because you know what they say...a family that naps together, stays together!

6. This other family who also loves to nap! 

Reddit | skeemz86

Even their pyjamas are matching! This mommy-daughter duo are seriously goals for anyone who ever has kids.

7. This pair of twinning pups. 

Imgur | farmersonlyreject

You know how when someone yawns, whoever's looking catches it? The same goes for other species, too!

8. This kid who must have learned this somewhere.

Reddit | Snugglejitsu

Start the potty entertainment young because he's got a lot of reading to squeeze in, just like mom and dad!

9. This father and son who go to the same barber.

Reddit | Hoorayforboogies

Or don't go at all, together. These dudes definitely have great parties in the back...and expensive shampoo bills.

10. This pair that proves that families that dress together, stay together.

Reddit | Horrogz

There's really only a short period of time where kids will agree to do this without getting embarrassed.

11. This duo of the most adorable sports lovers.

Reddit | claire_0

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller...just like dad!

12. This kid who is already cooler than us all.

Reddit | dondeee79

Could a toddler be anymore badass? No. The answer is definitely no. We're lining up to get his autograph now.

13. This daddy-daughter team.

Imgur | lookbeneathyou

Obviously a sense of humor (among other things) was taken from this dad and given to his little girl!

14. This father and son, going for the win.

Reddit | sstr677

The nap, the faces, the arm placement...even the bald heads! They could not be any more identical.

15. This kid who's his father's dream.

Reddit | kungfumilhouse

You know this dad secretly hoped that his son would grow up to be exactly this.

As much as we might try to deny it, we're literally spawns of our parents. 

Giphy | Giphy

We're our parents' kids, and we should feel #Blessed to have such incredible genes. Thanks, mom and dad!