Unsplash | Isabel Galvez

Watch This Sleeping Octopus Change Colors While Dreaming

When it comes to fascinating creatures, octopuses are definitely up there on the list.

Yes, I choose to use "octopuses", but technically "octopi", and even "octopodes" are fine. I just prefer to avoid as much Latin prescriptivism as I can.

Anyhoodles, octopuses are awesome.

No matter how much we think we know about them, octopuses keep on surprising us.

For example, we've known for a while that they can change color to match their surroundings, both for protection and to sneak up on unsuspecting meals.

But now scientists have caught an octopus on camera changing colors in its sleep.

YouTube | Nature on PBS

In the clip from PBS's new documentary Octopus: Making Contact, the sleeping creature rapidly shifts colors and textures while resting upside down in its tank.

Obviously, there's no way to truly know what the octopus was dreaming about, but the scientists can make educated guesses.

YouTube | Nature on PBS

They've been studying the camouflage for a long time and have noted when certain colors or patterns are most likely to appear.

Dr. David Scheel, a marine biologist thinks she may have captured a tasty meal in her dream.

"So here she’s asleep, she sees a crab and her color starts to change a little bit. Then she turns all dark. Octopuses will do that when they leave the bottom. This is a camouflage, like she’s just subdued a crab and now she’s going to sit there and eat it and she doesn’t want anyone to notice her. …This really is fascinating. But yeah, if she’s dreaming that’s the dream."

Whatever she's imagining, it's really amazing to watch all the different colors!

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