Reddit | awag80

13+ Funny Pics That’ll Clear Your Skin And Cure Your Depression

Has it been a long day? Or, has it been a very short day but you're convinced it's going to feel like a long day, and so you want to kill a bit of time at work on the sly? Well, you've come to the right place my friend, as I have gathered here 13+ funny pics that'll not only kill some time in these wild political times, but they may even clear your skin and cure your depression.

So, sit back, relax, and prepare to see terrifying corn mazes, amazingly put-together niche 90s references, the most enthusiastic sheepdog to have ever lived, and more!

"Oooo, that's cold!"


Let the wholesomeness of this image wash over your brain and cleanse it of whatever terribleness you've undoubtedly seen on the news today. You're welcome.

Work It

Reddit | dhdnsksnsbbsbsn

Now the yearly past time of dressing far too inappropriately for the weather can be for dogs too! It's October people, pick costumes with coats 'cause it's gonna be freezing!

"I picked a fight with my wife 3 years ago today. Time flies."


Quite frankly, it is a miracle that you lived to tell the tale. This is marginally worse than people that squeeze the toothpaste in the middle when they open a new tube.

"Dutch police car gets stuck in drying concrete"

Reddit | iksdfosdf

Made all the better for the cop's hand being pressed against their face with that universal expression of, "I've really goddamn ballsed up here."

There Can Be Only One!

Reddit | snarkpowered

I have exceptionally fond memories of Highlander, and for that reason, I refuse to watch it again in case I realize it is terrible. I am of the opinion that Sean Connery should have won an Oscar for his role in that film, and I do not want that opinion to be tarnished by remembering the realities of the film.

8-Bit Cat

Reddit | tomyan112

Meows in Chiptune

"That 'I feel I've forgotten something' moment"

Reddit | zo7ale

The new article from Vice: "Why Renault Clios Are Taking So Much MDMA."

I Think This Dog Likes Sheep

Twitter | Charlie Mackinnon

This picture should be a constant reminder to people to try as hard as you can to find a job you love!

"Explains itself"

Reddit | Gui_OiMeuChapa

Imagine getting into a fender bender with the Batmobile, what a nightmare that would be. I mean, there's no way Batman has insurance; sure, Bruce Wayne does, but you think that's how he's going to let the world figure out he's batman? Not a chance.

"And the winner is.."

Reddit | Kerry-King

I guess the real winner is whoever has both the artistic talent and time on their hands to do this sort of thing. Or, simply has the drive — I'd rather just binge watch Netflix and live vicariously through the lives of people I see on Reddit.

"Homemade mouse trap."


I can't tell whether I'm annoyed at how many snacks they've wasted, or amazed at how they got a cat to stay still long enough to do this!

"Edgy Tomb Raider cosplay"

Reddit | see-you-in-tea

This is such a specific cosplay it's astounding. Anyone born after the 90s is probably massively, and quite justifiably, confused by this.

I Just Can't Wait To Be Eating

Reddit | faccoz

Can you knead the dough tonight?

"Russian Nesting Cars"

Reddit | erik_t

And if you open up the boot of that car there's a smart car inside of that! Nah, just kidding, no one in their right mind would own a smart car.

"Wait a minute..."

Reddit | Disfuncional_Toaster

I take my technical score advisors with eggs, toast, and beans.

Err, Eleven?


I've seen almost every piece from the Unusual Events range now and it never ceases to amaze me. Somewhere there is a company making these with a very stressed-out legal team.

"Australian problems"

Reddit | Ghroznak

Ah Australia, where "'cause snakes" is occasionally a legitimate reason for not being able to complete a task.

Children Of The Corn

Reddit | shidanesayo

Well, that is reassuring! At least you'd have plenty of corn to eat while you waited, all the unpleasant, underwhelming, bland, teeth-sticking disgusting corn you could want. (Yeah, corn on the cob is disgusting, what of it?)

"It’s funny because it’s true"

Reddit | awag80

Now that is a candidate I could get behind!

"She was so fed up that she became the manager."

Reddit | Khyfemon

I always feel really old seeing these Karen memes, I missed the boat on them I think as they just seemed to pass me by; however, I'll include one here to try and appeal to a younger audience and pretend I'm still "with it".