20 People Who Are Walking, Talking Cautionary Tales

Ashley Hunte
A clump of hair caught inside of a drill.
reddit | Additional_Cat_594

Everyone makes mistakes. Most of the time, if you fall down, you can shake yourself off and start over. But sometimes, you might need a bit of extra help.

All I can say about the people in this list is, you should see them as examples of what not to do in life. We all learn from our mistakes, and the mistakes of others too!

"Accidentally rolled over it with my desk chair..."

A tablet with a cracked screen.
reddit | Rekka_Inferno

You know when you drop something valuable and you think, "I'll pick it up later"? Don't do it later. Do it as soon as possible so you won't end up crushing it.

"Repairman at a Subway."

A person standing on the top handle area of a step stool.
reddit | 3VG3NY

Just looking at this is making my neck hurt. Hopefully this guy ended up coming back down by choice, and not because gravity decided to call him back.

Still, don't do this. Taller stools (and ladders!) exist.

"I guess I pulled too hard… right before I have to go in to work too."

A foot wearing a men's dress shoe that has a snapped shoelace.
reddit | Nawlejj

I guess the moral of the story here is... don't tie your shoes too hard?

At least you can probably still wear a shoe with broken laces.

This guy's driving has really gone down the toilet...

A tractor transporting a port-o-potty. The outhouse obstructs the driver's view.
reddit | tperdicou

I feel like this should go without saying but, if you're thinking of transporting a port-a-potty like this... maybe don't.

According to the comment section, this is the city of Edmonton being oh so classy.

"I burnt my food this morning, the smoke alarms went off at 5:30AM, my family was not happy."

Several discs of burnt food on a frying pan.
reddit | Pungent_Onion27534

Yeah... if you're going to cook yourself breakfast at 5:30 in the morning, you should probably take care not to burn anything. Tall order that early in the day, though.

"Thought I was done washing dishes and went to pull the plug...turns out I missed a mason jar lid."

A sink full of soapy water. A mason jar lid covers the drain.
reddit | hedgehogpatronus

It can be kind of tricky to see if your sink full of soapy water is empty. I guess make sure you wash the mason jar lids first — and one at a time, because they're the perfect size to be a huge pain pulling out of the drain.

"Yeah, that's not the safest I've seen."

A man standing on a ladder that's balancing on metal rafters in an unfinished house's second floor.
reddit | Slein88

Just when you thought you'd seen the most dangerous thing ever... this guy goes and one ups everyone else on the list. I'm gonna go ahead and assume he made it down fine, because I don't even want to think of the alternative.

"Last time I trust the handles on a paper bag."

Groceries covered in spilled sauce, including a large sac of flour and strawberries. They sit in a broken paper bag.
reddit | TheWalkingDead91

I don't want to be that person but... I really don't think those paper grocery bags were meant to hold 5 pound bags of flour. In fact, no bag is.

"Went to grind some salt on my breakfast and this happened."

A dish full of food that's covered in excessive amounts of salt.
reddit | ellz9191

As bad as that is, I don't think that food is completely ruined. Like, you could probably scrape most of that salt off. It might be a little saltier than usual, though.

"Tried to straighten a bill to get a Doctor Pepper from a vending machine."

A CAD $5 bill that's split in 2.
reddit | GeorgeSmithOnYoutube

It just goes to show you that no matter what country you're from, you will always risk ripping money if you pull on it too hard.

"Mistakes were made."

A vehicle transport truck that's stuck in the middle of an intersection.
reddit | Cheetah_Ghost89

Something tells me that truck driver was having a pretty bad day. But luckily, it looks like the truck is just stuck, and no one got hurt. The cars on the back look fine, too.

"Didn’t get his caffeine fix yet."

A car that's crashed into/on top of a second car in a Starbucks drive thru.
reddit | rilescrane

Oh man, it definitely looks like somebody went for a morning drive without any coffee in their system. The weirdest mistakes are always made before people have their morning coffees, ironically.

"Big flames under a canopy at Traeger Demo Day."

A barbecue with a large flame coming out of it, directly underneath an outdoor tent.
reddit | s1gnalZer0

Big barbecue flames and canopy tents definitely don't mix. I honestly can't see how this doesn't end with them having to shut the place down because the tent caught on fire.

"Ran out of fuel 10km out of town. Thought I could make it lol."

A car stuck in the middle of a backroad with zero gas (as seen from the dashboard).
reddit | clever_user_name__

This just goes to show you that the low fuel warning in your car is no joke. You better fuel up if you don't want to end up stranded in the middle of nowhere.

"Ball got punctured by the only spike in a tree."

A football that's stuck punctured in a tree branch.
reddit | xmnh

What's the lesson here? Don't play sports. Just kidding... I think it would actually be more along the lines of watch where you throw something. Or just practice your aim more.

"Heard a loud bang while heating up my lunch. Turns out my food exploded in the microwave."

A microwave with food splatter all over it.
reddit | Nestramutat-

You have to be pretty careful when it comes to microwaves. Leave something in for a second too long, and you're gonna have to clean it off the walls.

"Yes, that's a chainsaw. No, they didn't have anyone on the sidewalk below warning of falling debris."

A man standing and holding onto a second floor patio railing in order to cut tree branches with a chainsaw.
reddit | Darth_Turtle

This is about a thousand accidents waiting to happen. Like, everything about this is so unsafe, it's stressing me out from behind my screen.

"After several days without my glasses, an eye exam, and overnight shipping on new glasses; I found them tangled in a cable under my desk…"

A pair of glasses stuck among cables running along the leg of a desk.
reddit | violinfiddleman

I want to say that you should make sure you've checked everywhere before you go out and order new glasses. But like, who would've thought they'd be there?

"I really should’ve tied my hair together. Still have much left but damn that hurt."

A chunk of hair wrapped around the end mechanism of a drill.
reddit | Additional_Cat_594

I can almost feel this picture. But honestly, this is actually why you're supposed to tie your hair back when you use drills and other power tools.

"When you're the new guy and there's not enough room in the truck:"

A person sitting in a machine that's being transported by a separate truck.
reddit | honchoryanc2

Something about this just... doesn't seem safe. Like, I'm not in construction or anything, but I still feel like there are rules against this kind of stuff.