15+ Bizarre Things People Discovered About The World Around Them

Every day is another chance to learn something new. Sometimes you don't even mean to but a new bit of knowledge falls into your lap, making you a sudden expert about that one little thing.

This list is comprised of people who had those moments where new knowledge was bestowed upon them; they simply decided to spread it further.

"Our cat Mia, rests her front paws on her tail to keep them off a cold surface."

Wait, that's why cats sit on their tails? I thought it was to overwhelm their owners with cuteness.

"Its so cold here in Iowa that there is now Frost on the inside of my door hinges."

I think this is grounds to just cancel your whole day. Too cold, can't go to work, just impossible.

"This really slim semi-truck."

As a few had pointed out in the comments, it's a billboard truck meant to just drive around with ads plastered to the sides. Doesn't make the size any less funny lookin', though.

"A black shirt of mine that got a solar tie-dye job after years of being crammed in the back of my car."

It's rare that an accidental thing like this happens and that it turns out this cool.

"This promotional yardstick is so old, the business’ phone number was just 5."

Not only is the phone number a sign of age but so is the phrase "promotional yardstick."

"This window filters out the exact wavelength of light that my gloves reflect."

The fact that this can happen at all leaves me deeply unsettled. What colors am I missing due to the specific light that comes in through my windows?

"I was divebombed by a hawk that waited for me to attack back."

Well, that was awfully polite of him. Maybe if you talk it out it can end in a hug instead.

"My local off brand gumi worms have faces on them."

I thought adding a face would make it harder to eat but no, I want to rid the world of that thing so bad.

"This toilet lock that doubles as a tray so you can’t leave without taking your stuff."

Imagine the amount of phones and keys that would never be lost again if this was standard. A utopia.

"Every year I wrap the last gift with the scraps from wrapping all the gifts before it."

Not only is this environmentally friendly but it would also mask my terrible, terrible wrapping skills.

"Somehow 3 packs of gushers were conjoined to create one super pack."

And whatever lucky kid gets to bring that in their school lunch will be a god amongst their peers for the day.

"This picture of my parents never actually happened, but two separate photos that fit perfectly together."

This feels like some sort of magical, fated connection. There's no other reason for this to work so perfectly.

"Two roses are growing out of the dying remains of the other rose."

When your black thumb turns back around into a green thumb!

"The bottom of a sulcata tortoise foot."

I could've gone my whole life without seeing this but I didn't, which means you don't get to either.

"How much my ear has grown over the last 35 years."

Looks like he fixed that pretty deep skin cracking too. Moisturizer can do wonders.

"A tiny forest is growing on this rooftop."

It looks like this was built in the middle of a forest, so this is just the revenge of the trees that were cut down to build it. Ghost trees haunting your house.

"Godzilla has a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame."

As he should! He's an international superstar, an acting legend spanning generations!

Wish I had known sooner!

Some hotels in the Best Western chain have secret themed rooms. These rooms include secret hot air balloon themed rooms, space themed rooms, and under the sea rooms, among others. The rooms are seldom advertised, so make sure to ask the next time you check in!

"1950’s cigarettes with your inflight meal."

Yeah, you want to complain about a baby crying or the plane running out of in-flight meals before they reach your aisle? How about we travel back to the 1950s where every flight came with complimentary lung disease.

And I seriously doubt they had smoking and non-smoking sections.

"The largest size for Hellmann's mayo is called 'American size' in my country."

What's funny is that in America, I'm pretty sure that size of jar is actually called "small," or "child-size," or maybe even "amateur hour."

"I genuinely thought my car was hovering over the parking."

I'll be honest, it took me a good 10 seconds before I realized it wasn't, in fact, floating.

It's crazy how your eyes can play such bizarre tricks on you, isn't it?

"This blob of hand cream i squeezed on my hand looks like a kitten."

Awwwww. It's so cute! And I bet this person had a really hard time rubbing that lotion into their skin after they realized this, because I know I sure would.

You’re not crazy, you can smell when rain is on the way.

The odor actually comes from the moistening of the ground as humidity increases and is called ‘petrichor.’ Petrichor is a combination of fragrant chemical compounds including oils made by plants.

"The four of hearts has five hearts."

Wow. WOW. You had one job to do, and you couldn't even do that. It's not like this was even one of the higher-numbered cards. Like, I could see accidentally adding an extra heart to the 10 of hearts, maybe even the nine.

But the four? Come on.

"Due to the difference in prescription/lens thickness, my left glasses lens (-3) defogs more quickly than my right lens (-5)."

Even just looking at this photo makes me unbelievably frustrated for her, so I can't imagine how frustrated she is having to actually deal with this nonsense.

"The new house my parents bought has a secret room hidden under the stairs."

That's a big "nope" for me, thanks. I've seen how this movie ends, I will not be venturing down that dark little passageway there.

If you need me, I'll be upstairs waiting to call the cops when the inevitable happens to all you eager explorers down there.

"The colors of this Bronze Cristiano Ronaldo statue is fading where people touch it the most."

So I can sort of understand why the colors on his hands would be faded. But I think my biggest question has to be why the...ahem, front of his shorts are also faded, too.

Although, if you think about the photo opportunities here, it makes a lot more sense.

"A honey exclusive, mobile vending machine."

Something about hyper-specific vending machines really gets me. The impracticality of it mixed with the passion, it's a beautiful thing.

"A tic tac fits perfectly in the hole of a life saver."

In case a Life Saver was too little, but two Life Savers were too much. Behold, a perfect balance.