Reddit | awilli123

24 People Who Had To Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome

You never know what's gonna come your way, so you're definitely leading the pack if your mind is quick enough to roll with the unexpected.

Unfortunately, short of hiring people to randomly attack you or entering every freestyle battle you find, I don't know how to train this skill.

Maybe it's easier to just watch these folks and learn.

1. Considering the hands aren't even kind of right in the drawing, the tattoo artist must seriously be psychic.

Twitter | @sierraalexiss_

If it were me, they'd end up with Minnie Mouse reading the newspaper on Caillou the hall monitor's head, and they could only blame themselves.

2. I don't know how they're finishing the job, but it won't involve that tractor.

Reddit | TirionTheHallowed

If I were them, I'd find the giant slingshot that obviously caused this before they lose even more equipment.

3. Honestly, if this doesn't remind people not to snitch out coyotes, nothing will.


To be fair, maybe there really is a coyote knocking on people's doors and calling itself a genius. Just pretend you're not home, y'all.

4. Haha, this is certainly more productive than just stewing in your own anger and honking for the 400th time.

Instagram | @whos_seb

I just hope this doesn't last too much longer because going from zero to tomato can happen surprisingly quickly.

5. It's clear that extensive testing was needed to get this complex system right.

Reddit | shadydgier

It must have been refreshing to drunkenly yell, "I'm a mad shhientist!" and technically be right, though.

6. Well, I guess this impressive effort would distract mama long enough to retreat.

Instagram | @pablopiqasso

Although, it pretty much guarantees that her next text would be something like, "You've got time for this, but you don't have time to study?"

7. Look, make fun of this all you want, but I'd like to see you build a better helicopter when you get stuck on an island.

Reddit | Clammer_

Granted, it's so much easier when Gilligan's not around to screw everything up.

8. Yeah, this really ain't so dumb when you realize there are people who will pay over $160 for this.

Reddit | gknick

Yeah, I couldn't believe it, but it's true. I can ruin pants all on my own, thank you very much.

9. Look, turning off the game to take a bath may not be a high stakes problem, but the point is that this guy solved it.

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

I hope he also has a plan for when that tablet inevitably falls in the tub, though.

10. Permits and safety codes are great and all, but they're just not bold enough for this engineering school.

Reddit | chennaipaiyyan

The only possible marks are an F and an A+, depending on whether it stays up all semester.

11. Let's be honest, we've all got a method in mind for trying to sit on this.

Reddit | PateJate

When it's the last seat in the room and the presentation takes three hours, life finds a way.

12. Yeah, the coyote (somehow) paid for its ticket like everybody else, leave it alone.

Instagram | @will_ent

The only thing I'd complain about is that it's taking up two seats, but at least it's not putting a backpack on one.

13. Look, it doesn't matter that he's upside down. He is absolutely not letting that turkey burn.

Reddit | awilli123

I swear, if Aunt Mildred complains that it's dry, she can crawl through the hole in the ceiling and try it herself.

14. Well, I guess there's not a lot of improvisation required here. It's a mess — they have to clean it up.

Reddit | skydivinghuman

It's more about mentally preparing yourself for the next unexplained mess.

15. On the plus side, they'll probably have time to research the movies before he finds a way in.

Twitter | @I_AM_MOSIAH

Especially since the answer's just opening the mail slot and saying, "Ding ding! The purge is over, go home, kid."

16. Seriously, is there some kind of blanket shortage I wasn't aware of?

Instagram | @streetcatto

How hard is it to make sure people can actually sleep over before you invite them to a sleepover?

17. Everyone knows that the only reason people even go to the gym is for the Snaps.

Imgur | LikeIHadAChoice

Why waste your time actually exercising when you can just do this? This girl is in 3018.

18. True friends always have your back.

Twitter | @noodlegurl101

Even if it means lying to their second family so that their friend can act like a terrible, lying daughter completely unbeknownst to the innocent parents.

19. Does she know they sell seedless watermelon?

Twitter | @FriendOFGay

Call me crazy, but I'd rather spend the extra $1.50 and not strap a plastic bag to my face. In fact, I think they have warnings on them saying not to do that.

20. The definition of boyfriend goals. 

Twitter | @jadepops1999

He's the one that has to walk around with you on his arm, so when you look good, he looks good. Everybody wins in this situation.

21. I was always taught not to take candy from strangers. |

Maybe if this guy had heeded this advice, he wouldn't have a mouth full of Play-Doh. Hopefully he learned his lesson.

22. Whoever handed this over had a pretty good day. 

Twitter | @YasminnEtches

Whoever accepted it, though? Not so much. I don't know if I'd be able to live down the shame of accepting this as legal tender.

23. If you don't know what the struggle looks like, look no further. 

Pleated-Jeans | Pleated-Jeans

Not only is this the most incredibly heartbreaking thing I've ever seen, it's also really smart. So at least we have that to get us through the day.

24. I'm down for anything that maximizes my taco consumption.

Imgur | Imgur

Normally, it's going through the trouble of making them the traditional way, but that reject taco looks like it'll taste enough like a regular one to do the trick.

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