Reddit | everyone_always, nikkipdx15

10+ Fascinating Accidents That Are Actually Pretty Cool

For me, accidents generally don't turn out very well — if I spill my yogurt at lunch, I will invariably end up with little white dots all over my crotch for the rest of the day. Guaranteed.

These folks just had a little more good fortune on their side. Even if their accidents didn't make them rich or anything, at least things turned out to be fascinating.

If I appeared as a ghostly apparition in my own picture, I would frame it.

Reddit | suddenspaceranger

It's like her brother traveled into the past and needs to get their parents to hook up or else they'll cease to exist, but really she just moved before the camera was done taking the pic.

Plenty of things could have happened to this playing card after it was dropped in water.

Reddit | williammac2004

But would anybody anticipate that all the spades on it would migrate to one side of the card? That's weird, right?

One lucky homeowner was doing some demo work to install a shower in their house, only to find a shower hidden behind a wall.

Reddit | tomselleckcruise

Nice find, but considering there was a bottle of shampoo sealed away in there that dated from 1989, here's hoping they did some upgrades.

The trouble with cameras these days is that they're often in phones, which do many other things.

Reddit | Ryuzaki413

For example, receiving emails that make a phone vibrate in the middle of taking a picture. Pretty cool effect though!

This isn't a flexible metal pipe or a snake or probably just about anything else you'd expect it to be.

Reddit | I_dont_know_that

It's just a see-through hose full of bubbles that formed in a strangely regular pattern.

Note for everyone who's not so adept in the kitchen: the carpet is not a good place to put a hot pan down.

Reddit | savoir166

The carpet will melt, and this is all the proof you need of that. Pretty incredible indentation pattern though!

Also, plastic coverings are not great places to set hot things down on either.

Reddit | cannedSpaghet

This is where someone left a warm mug upside down, creating a little bubble dome.

Well there's something you don't see every day: a knot hole on a pencil.

Reddit | niscate

Right where you'd grip it, too. Not sure whether I'd avoid sharpening this one, or want to sharpen it even more.

You know the air in your office is dry when the fruit dehydrates rather than rotting.

Reddit | PowerPCGamer

And honestly, I would take that over rotting because it doesn't smell as bad, and it won't leave gross brown juice on the counter.

"After 4.5 years of using this remote, today I dropped it and learned it had more buttons," wrote Reddit user OrangishOrange.

Reddit | OrangishOrange

Legit reason to celebrate — for one thing, who expects a remote to have a hidden layer of buttons? For another, it might have just unlocked a slew of unknown functionality for the TV.

This shadow matches exactly with the lamp post on the side walk.

Reddit | caitwcam

It sort of creates an other-worldly sight to behold — like one universe overlapping another.

"This plastic trash created a mini green house on this old abandoned road."

Reddit | SmokeyTheHoboDog

Who knew that creating a greenhouse was so simple? All it takes is a little bit of littering, some garbage, sun, moisture, and air... Lol.

This scraped off paint on the back of a truck is shaped like a person free-falling.

Reddit | Contrachunk

The first thing that came to mind was how I probably couldn't even purposefully draw a silhouette better than that. Sigh.

Okay, you could be forgiven for jumping out of your chair at seeing a disembodied face in your window like this.

Reddit | nikkipdx15

But no need to fear, it's just a reflection from the TV. Which I guess means that the face is inside the house!

The little succulent that could.

Reddit | llconn

Look at it, so brave, so strong — growing right through the screen on this window. Iconic!

Students have a habit of leaning on the wall while they sit in this lecture hall.

Reddit | Allgen

The effect of rubbing against the white paint has created permanent shadows of the ghosts of students past.

This oddly shaped tomato.

Reddit | skuud

Why does this tomato look like it's about to push me against the lockers and steal my lunch money?

The design of this park bench created a perfectly rectangle shadow.

Reddit | mehnotreallypicky

Maybe it has to do with the curves in the bench offsetting the effect of sunrays? Maybe that's 100% false science and I have no idea what I'm talking about. Seems right, though.

Here's something I've never considered: getting a skin graft can have some unexpected side effects.

Reddit | everyone_always

So taking skin from an area that usually grows hair and putting it in someone's palm makes a hairy palm.

The cool design of this bottle neck is actually just a whole bunch of bubbles stacked on top of each other.

Reddit | Pcusb

Although one could argue that this just looks like an extreme twist-off cap.

The water stain on the wall created a weird replica of a fingertip.

Reddit | mcd0ngus

Maybe it's just the remnants of a ghost hand — how can I let the owner of this wall know my thoughts? Lol.