
20 Weird Thoughts On Marriage That Gave Us Pause

Marriage is great! So we're taught, anyway. For many it is great, a beautiful union between two lovers who want to further legitimize that love by committing to one another. For others, well, they're kind of put off by the idea.

Marriage definitely has some elements which, when thought about too much, definitely seem strange. Here's a list of those thoughts that really make us think about what goes down with marriage.

Let's start with before the wedding, the proposal.

Unsplash | JD Mason

"Marriage proposals are weird. The proposer gets to take as long as he/she wants to determine whether they want to spend the rest of their life with someone. The proposee is expected to make a split-second decision."

I like to think the proposee has also thought about it, but you never know.

Financial decisions.

Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

"Considering the divorce rate, it'd be better if people spent less money on weddings, and more money on marriage counseling."

Marriage counseling, like therapy, shouldn't only be for people who are at their worst. Nothing wrong with going to make a strong marriage even stronger!

The start of something new...for some.

Unsplash | Eric Ward

"Marriage is marketed as the beginning of a woman’s life, but the end of a man's."

And it's not really fair to either. A woman's life begins whenever she wants, and a man's life doesn't end because he signed a piece of paper!

So many options.

Unsplash | Charisse Kenion

"Whoever created the tradition of not seeing the bride in the wedding dress beforehand saved countless husbands everywhere from hours of dress shopping and will forever be a hero to all men."

I actually have been with a bride while she dress shopped, and it can be fun, but the emphasis is on 'can'. It certainly isn't always sunshine and rainbows.

Speaking of dresses...

Unsplash | Suhyeon Choi

"Why are wedding dresses bought and tuxedos rented? The utility of each is such that it should be the other way around."

That, or we just need to find more excuses for brides to wear their dresses. Lounge around the house in it, wear it to the grocery store, who cares.

Smoother alternatives.

Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

"Marriage licenses should have [an] expiration date like driver licenses. That way people could just not renew instead of going through a long divorce process."

It would make the official process around a divorce easier, sure, but somehow I feel the emotional toll would be worse.

Laying them out.

Unsplash | Photos by Lanty

"Weddings are weird because it's totally socially acceptable to get all your friends and family together, sort them by how much you like them, and place them at tables that shows the ranking based on proximity to you."

But then if the people you'd seat far away from the table aren't invited at all, they'd still be offended! There's just no winning.

Place your bets.

Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

"Marriage is betting someone half you own that you'll love each other [forever]."

It's a big risk, but the reward is even better, so it's worth it.

A big rejection.

Unsplash | Ani Kolleshi

"Saying yes on your wedding day is saying no to 7.53 billion people."

Well, those 7.53 billion people should have mustered up the courage and proposed first, then.

It's like rain on your wedding day, you say?

Unsplash | Noah Silliman

"Whoever said that rain on your wedding day is good luck was just trying to calm down an anxious bride."

Not only did it probably work for that bride, but it's been working for tons of brides ever since.

Now or never.

Unsplash | Wu Jianxiong

"Your [current] partner will be either the most important person at your wedding or not even present."

No matter the state of your relationship or how much you love your current partner, this is still an existential thought.

Faking it.

Unsplash | Thomas William

"Having to attend a wedding you don't want to sucks more than having to attend a funeral. At least at the funeral you don't have to pretend you're happy to be there."

Sure, but at the wedding you're more likely to get free food, so it's worth it to show up.

Forever is relative.

Unsplash | Atul Vinayak

"We say 'marriage is forever,' but divorce is definitely more forever."

Hey, divorced people can get remaried! Both can be forever and neither can be forever, they're flexible.

Getting desperate.

Unsplash | Ben White

"A marriage proposal is only one knee away from begging."

Seeing as you're asking for something pretty hefty, something that took a lot of planning and dedication they're hoping will pay off, I'm not surprised there's such a similarity.

Worst-case scenarios.

Unsplash | rob walsh

"The fact that the first person they suspect after someone is murdered is the spouse tells me everything I need to know about marriage."

This is actually an excellent point, and something that will haunt me forever now.

I mean, yeah, I guess that's true.

Unsplash | freestocks

"Marriage is just dating someone to death."

I understand that this means you date someone until you die, but it also sounds like they dated someone so hard they died.

A true expert.

Unsplash | Hermes Rivera

"Marriage is one of the few things where we consider someone an expert if they've only successfully done it once."

Come to think of it, I can't think of any other things that can only be done once to be considered an expert. Marriage might just be it!

Appropriate parties.

Unsplash | Cynthia Magana

"It would make way more sense if a bachelor party was something celebrated the night before a divorce instead of the night before a wedding."

Maybe the night after the divorce, wait for everything to be finalized before you let loose and whatnot.

Living longer.

Unsplash | Ben Rosett

"One milestone of a healthy marriage is when your wedding gifts begin wearing out and breaking down."

That might have been true back when everything was built to last, but nowadays most things need replacing within a few years.

Heightened emotions.

Unsplash | Artur Tumasjan

"Airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls."

Well at airports usually one-half of the couple is leaving. With marriage it's the opposite, they're staying forever.

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