30 People Who Just Might Have Been Drunk On The Job

There are some people who manage to give the impression that they are drunk on the job, even when they likely aren't. It's an impressive skill that requires...well, a real lack of skill actually.

So, from people who managed to tip over the un-tip-overable to individuals who created truly nightmarish renderings of Disney princesses, here are 30 people who just might have been drunk on the job.

"Found in a cake decorating FB group."

I would love to see a complete version of The Beauty And The Beast with this cake monstrosity superimposed over the actual Belle. That would really take the film in a different direction.

That's Going To Be Pretty Snug!

I think that this is more a case of making sure that you check the dimensions of something before you buy it! Still, at least his can of Tennant's has somewhere to sleep tonight!

"Tried to assemble my new office chair today... I was so confident in myself until I flipped it over."

This wonderful person went on to add, "I had it upside down on the table and just wasn't paying attention I guess. The holes lined up perfectly and the screws went in without a fight so I figured I was on the gravy train."

"This 'silver metallic jumpsuit' my friend and I both bought for a party off an obscure website."

I mean, how do you look at that jumpsuit on the left and think that you're really going to get that exact item when you're ordering off an "obscure website"? Although, I kind of like the one they got more.

"This McQueen jumping castle looks depressed."

I tell you what, it also looks like he is flipping everyone off with those green tree arms. All in all, I do not think that I would want this at my kid's party.

"My niece's birthday cake. An attempt was made..."

I have seen much worse examples of cake artistry in my time, just look at the Belle cake before. Although, there is something quite haunting about the snowman's eyes on the right. He looks pained.

Do The People Who Work Here Have A Death Wish?

Actually one quite helpful person did point out, "In my area, there's a few buildings with doors on the second story which act as a front door in case the lower door is blocked with snow. They're rarely used, but have been useful in the past."

"Seems fine by me."

"Are you drunk on shift again Denise? What have I told you about this, you're going to get fired if you keep going!"

"Look... I'm jush drinking my two literers of washer a day like the medical man told me to!"

"Well, it fits the cat at least."

That cat looks so done with everything that is happening. There may be a sort of quiet resignation in its expression though, as though it has had to endure this sort of thing before.

"Saddest food ever."

I have seen sadder looking sadwiches in my time! They have all sorts on them by the looks of it! Although, Christ knows that the thing you get at a fast food place never looks like the picture.

"I really tried my best. Ended up with an army of weird alien babies."

But they are very cute weird alien babies in fairness. I think that I might actually prefer the weird ones, they certainly look more science-fictiony than the normal ones.

"I found a use by date sticker in my burger..."

That is just some extra roughage for you to enjoy! Also, I think that this might just be a sadder "sadwich" than the sadwiches that the other place was offering out.

"There was an attempt to secure the load."

One person wrote, "It's to meet DOT regulations. He would be pulled over and fined if he had went in the road with materials on his trailer and not have straps every ten feet of the load." So at least he's up to code!

"I'm pretty sure that's an avocado!"

"Dave, for the last time, that's an avocado not a mango. You do know what a mango is, don't you?"

"Yes of course I do!"

"Well tell me what it is then."

"It's a...small woodland creature with big ears and four noses."

"I wanted it with stars..."

I would only give this chocolate bar one star, but one star is better than no stars. This person had better savour that star, they're the best bit...aside from all of the chocolate that is.

It Looks Like Someone Is In A Spot Of Bother...

Yep, this guy managed to tip over the thing that no one thought could be tipped over. I love how he is just staring at it, knowing full well how much trouble he is in.

"My son turned 1 yesterday. This was the topper to his space-themed cake vs what we ordered."

Why did they think that leaving his mouth open and giving him teeth was the right way to go? He looks like he is off his head!

That's A...Look!

One person actually responded by writing, "I like the reality better. Those pointy nails look ridiculous." Although, that person is wrong. I actually don't think that either of them are that great, but at least the one on the left looks moderately professional.

"A beautiful watermelon, yes"

To be fair, it's easy to mix up watermelon and corn. They're both green on the outside, grow in soil, and...uh... Well, at least that's a decent price for watermelon. So, you have that going for you, which is nice.

"Can’t open either of these at my new workplace, the door just hits the handle of the other cupboard"

You can just picture the person installing these cabinets seeing the issue and just saying, "Well, that's going to be an issue down the line, but not for me." Just doing his job, screwing in the knobs.

"This sidewalk that people cemented stones to"

Holy moly, where is this sidewalk, outside a crutch store? Because anybody trying to walk there is going to stub a toe or roll and ankle. It's a guarantee. You'd also have to expect a good, steady stream of lawsuits, too.

"George Washington, just how I remember him."

If only George Washington's face was more familiar, travesties like this would be less likely to happen. Oh, wait, his face is literally on money? Then there's really no excuse.

"This not at all centered pillar at a church in my city."

If it's technically holding up what it needs to hold up, is it even that bad? Yes, yes it is. But I guess it's also good for preventing loiterers, assuming they don't want to be in danger of having heavy things fall on them.

"So which way do I turn it!?"

Well, you just turn it the direction the arrows tell you, which is all around, and then you just kind of hope for the best and maybe figure it out for yourself. What, you want things to be easier than that?

"Stairs to more stairs"

The only thing worse than this being the result of some alcohol-fueled decision making would be if someone did it on purpose, like some kind of fusion style thing. Just a total ruination of a beautiful spiral staircase.

"You have to step over the bathtub to get between the toilet and the sink."

This is absolute madness and I love it. The person who designed this bathroom must be really into Feng shui, or just a complete madman.

"Handicap accessible yet has a step up."

Hey, as long as you have the signage up, you at least appear to be in compliance with accessibility. Actually allowing people using wheelchairs to get into the bathroom? That's someone else's job, I guess.


Is this job a fail or a win? Because yeah, the photos don't quite line up right, but the effect is super intense, like she's going to go Hulk on that bowling lane and smash some pins.

"The drain in my AirBnB."

Surely there should always be a layer of water in that little square? Maybe there is a little straw nearby for you to suck that water out yourself. What a nice little treat that would be after a shower.

"This bathroom stall at my school."

Even assuming that the regular door got broken off and replaced with plywood, somebody here forgot to measure twice and cut once — or they just didn't care about students having a touch of privacy in the bathroom.

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