Reddit | Hesoyammmmmmm

20 Bad Designs That Are Questionable To Say The Very Least

For every clever design, it feels like there are about a million bad designs. Sometimes, it's because the designer was trying too hard. Other times, the designer wasn't trying nearly hard enough. In any event, seeing the bad designs just helps us appreciate the good ones that much more.

"Should PROBABLY put a little more emphasis on the apostrophe."

Reddit | TankRizzo

Yeah, the tweet is right: they probably should have put more emphasis on the apostrophe, or maybe chosen a different name altogether. At least they included an apostrophe. It would be worse without it.

"This new wall art in my office."

Reddit | Bitemarkz

This sign is tough to decipher. The first time I tried to read it, I felt motivated. Then I re-read it, and felt completely de-motivated. In both instances though, it felt like my brain was breaking.

"I guess my world history class skipped quite a bit."

Reddit | not2useful

Everyone should know that when it comes to the '1' digit in Roman numerals, the letter 'I' should be used. If you do, in fact, use the '1' digit, it makes history a lot more confusing.

"Found this beauty at my local college."

Reddit | GelatinSkeleton3

I'm absolutely certain that they could have mounted this banister in a slightly different way, a way that wouldn't have it clipping through the pillar. Looks like it's a little too late to change things now, though.


Reddit | Kyno50

I don't know what a stop sign style guide would look like, but I would guess that one of the points of emphasis would be that stop signs need to be extremely visible in order to be effective. Ah well.

"Guess who set the alarm off at the movie theatre today. Men’s room was around the corner and down a hall."

Reddit | Gaijinloco

Emergency exits are a bit like stop signs in that you want it to be immediately obvious what they are. I guess this theater didn't get the memo.

"An unfortunate logo for a fitness center."

Reddit | Dingwallace

This could kind of go either way. Some folks might read it as 'Fit Forever,' which I assume is the intention. Others, looking to shed a few pounds, would see 'Fat Forever,' sigh, and leave the gym forever.

"One. Single. Blind."

Reddit | ahgueso

This pic makes me curious to see what the building looks like on the outside. Is there even a point in including a window if it's three inches wide? If this is the room's only window, that's super depressing.


Reddit | lilyber

We should all endeavor to go out and experience all that the world has to offer. I appreciate this sign's encouragement, but I'm a little uncertain about what it's trying to push me to experience. Seems a tad inappropriate.

"My grandparents' carpeted bathroom."

Reddit | Iamwallpaper

I don't know why carpeted bathrooms have ever been a thing. Far be it from me to defend a carpeted bathroom, but I do kind of appreciate how this one looks a bit like a mossy forest.

"New species of dinosaur."

Reddit | DarthTheDaddy

I don't think this is a new species of dinosaur at all. After all, my favorite dino as a kid was always the half stegosaurus. C'mon, you know the one. It's the one whose head juts out from its knees.

"At the local gym."

Reddit | herashoka

I don't know if this wall art is intended to inspire you to become ripped or imply that there's a spotter there if you're lifting weights. In any case, the positioning seems immensely unnerving and distracting.

"The implication that this tooth has genitals..."

Reddit | Dylflon

I'm already plenty creeped out by this anthropomorphized tooth. I mean, it's a tooth that has a set of teeth and eyes. I don't need the leaf covering its toothy umentionables on top of all that.

"I've never met Lauren but I already know I don't like her."

Reddit | Norskiing

Books look beautiful on a shelf, but that's because of their colorful spines. Seeing these off-white, stained-looking books put the wrong way is not only visually offputting but also impractical. How are you going to know which book is which?

"Hotel's mirror."

Reddit | 5am281

The post asks why a hotel would put a mirror on a mirror. It's a fair question, and the potential answers are endless. I think the true answer, though, might be the simplest: it's so everyone looks like a weird little goblin.

"I followed this bus for four blocks to wait for it to pull over to share this beautiful work of art."

Reddit | Germantoast33

I appreciate OP's dedication in chasing this bus down. It must look weird when someone opens and closes those little windows.

"My uncle's house has got a bathroom without a door, literally the first thing you see when you enter the house."

Reddit | muurilin

I could write a book about the weird bathrooms I've seen on Reddit, and this is one of the weirdest: the bathroom-as-centerpiece home motif.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the pinnacle of human stupidity."

Reddit | KoldunMaster

I think by this point, we all know about how harmful single-use plastics are to the environment. Bananas come in their own natural wrapper, but that doesn't mean you can't add litter to the mix.

"In 2017 I was in Paris and THIS was the toilet (the whole bathroom stank like poop btw)."

Reddit | vamtinski

I suppose this toilet is either a challenge or an invitation to people who want to sit on a toilet side-saddle for whatever reason.

"Ey boss where do ya want the mailboxes?"

Reddit | Hesoyammmmmmm

You'd think the spot for the mailboxes would be obvious, no? Like, literally any spot that's close to the house but not in the middle of a sidewalk would do. Two feet to either side and these would be fine.

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