Unsplash | Jon Tyson

15 Good Deeds People Saw That Are Warming My Heart

A good deed is contagious. By performing good deeds, we inspire others around us to do the same and enact the change they wish to see in the world.

Below is a list of 15 good deeds people saw performed that are truly inspiring. They're sure to melt your heart like a warm bowl of chicken soup for the soul.

Lead with your heart.

"A man in my hometown stood outside of a Walmart in the aftermath of a record breaking[sic] blizzard to make food to people in need. Over $1000 of chips, hotdogs, and beverages were donated at no cost to anybody needing it." - Reddit u/mpaquin1064

"This guy bought a box of pizza for himself and this homeless man and had lunch together." - Reddit u/WarHundreds

Sharing a meal with someone is the best way to break down barriers. When two people meet at the table as equals, they, in turn, leave as friends.

Kick-flipping grannies.

"This wonderful lady rocked up to the skate park in my town, popped up a little table and started giving the kids free squash, hot chocolate, tea and biscuits. What a legend!" - Reddit u/spudgun81

A small act of kindness goes a long way.

Not all heroes wear capes and not all good deeds have to be groundbreaking or life-changing. Sometimes, it can be as simple as helping an elderly lady open her plastic bag while out at the grocery store.

When you can't have a party, the party comes to you!

"There is a lady in my town who drives around in her 'Party Car' and sings Happy Birthday to kids who can't have a party due to the lockdown!" - Reddit u/charlie_boo

This is what family is for.

This Redditor was having a hard time remembering to take their pills. Then one day, she came home to find that her sister had neatly packaged them up for her, and had written inspirational notes on all the bags.

Christmas Eve isn't the only time Santa and his elves takes flight.

"These two guys in my area are driving around on a quad bike, dressed as santa[sic], delivery[sic] food and water to homeless people around the city." - Reddit u/Red-Jester

Ain't it just like a grandma?

This totally reminds me of something my nana would do. Not so much the knitting for the neighborhood, as does the request that all clothes pins please remain intact and where they are. A good clothespin is hard to find these days.

This is what I call putting your money where your mouth is.

Redditor TrickyVixen and her boyfriend came across a drowning fox. Her boyfriend was able to rescue the animal from the waters and proceeded to give it CPR until it was fully revived.

A bed fit for a king.

This Redditor was out for a walk in the woods when they happened to come across a makeshift bed that someone had made for a baby squirrel. The little guy looks as cozy as can be.

When a complete stranger helps you change your tire for 40 minutes.

"My tire blew up while on the highway. This man pulled over on the side of the road and spent the next 40 minutes helping me replace my tire. He said he was a local preacher, and when I offered money for his help he said that he was just doing the Lord's work." - Reddit u/Lexienator

Put a little love in your heart.

Reddit user jmglor was out for a stroll through their neighborhood when they happened to come across this generous assortment on their neighbor's front lawn. Hopefully, this will inspire others to do the same.

Protecting and serving all members of the community.

"Good guy cop stopped traffic to help a hurt kitty in front of my store as I was closing early for the holiday. The poor cat took shelter under my car and we couldn’t get it out, so the policeman called animal control to help get her out." - Reddit u/seanbassak1

To catch a spider...

This Redditor helped save this innocent dragonfly from becoming a spider's lunch! They were able to safely remove them from the web and shortly afterward, the dragonfly happily flew away.

The gratitude was supposedly implied.

Just pay it forward.

"This stranger heard we were planning for my daughter’s fifth birthday, and volunteered to drop off and set up a commercial bouncy house (that the kids lurved) and he wouldn’t take a cent in payment or let us help. He just told us to pay it forward." - Reddit u/inkjuice