20 Easter Eggs People Spotted In Real Life Instead Of In A Movie

There's something kind of fun about finding an Easter egg in real life. People leave random things on the street, or write silly little jokes on packages, all so that someone else can find them eventually.

And yeah, these Easter eggs are pretty cool. It's amazing what kind of random things people can find while out in the world.

"Before he died, Adam West lived in Ketchum, Idaho. This is from the Ketchum phone book during that time."

They really make you work for this Easter egg, huh? Either way, it's such a fun little detail to include to honor a famous person from your town.

"Expiration date on my bottle of honey."

Since honey basically lasts forever, they don't really need to put anything down. But it's still nice that they did. And to be honest, if this person doesn't enjoy that honey, someone else really will.

"The most recent batch of eggs is wishing us 'Happy year.'"

This is definitely the kind of thing I would've just ignored or not even have noticed to begin with. After all, who actually reads the text they stamp on eggs (which is usually the best before date anyway)?

"My plug has a smiley face on its back side!"

I'm always kind of tempted to flip my electronic devices over. You never know when a little happy face is going to stare back at you. That somehow sounded creepier than it did in my head.

"The inside lid of this ice cream tub!"

This isn't just ice cream, it's limited edition ice cream. Does it taste any different? Probably not. But now you have something you can brag about to your friends. And who knows, maybe they'll pretend to care.

"Found buried in the 48-page regulatory book titled '2021-2022 Alaska Trapping Regulations.'"

On the plus side, it was a pretty solid joke. Even a book as serious as Alaskan trapping regulations doesn't need to be serious 24/7. As long as the reader knows what's a joke and what isn't.

"In the bottom of bags of coffee from my favorite spot, Queen City in Denver, CO. Best joe I’ve ever had."

When we save the bees, we save ourself. Or, something to that effect. Either way, if we could find a way to give bees tiny cups of honey-flavored coffee, I'm sure they'd love us forever.

"ROG Flow Z13 Tablet has the coordinates of Asus headquarters printed on it."

Of course an Asus brand tablet is going to have some kind of Asus Easter egg on it. But who would've guessed they'd really stamp the coordinates of the Asus headquarters on it?

It's all about give and take.

If you take care of this piece of clothing, it'll take care of you in return. Or, at the very least it'll make you look slightly better than you would without it on. And don't worry, it's not a paper bag.

"My parents gave us this cookbook from 1979 with an interesting recipe…"

I wonder if anyone actually tried to make this stew before. My guess is no, since hunting elephants is illegal and all. And that would be way too much food in any case.

"I noticed a bandage stamp in the middle of my Tylenol pills for the first time…"

It's kind of funny because, while they both might be found in a first aid kit, Tylenol and bandages do pretty different things. But how else are you going to know a pill is going to make you feel less injured?

"Ghostbusters van sighted on a neighborhood walk!"

Talk about finding something strange in your neighborhood. But when the people you call when there's something strange in your neighborhood are the something strange in your neighborhood, you just end up with a ton of confusion, I think.

"Neighborhood find..."

This was most likely written by a disgruntled friend who hates her friend's boyfriend, but her advice is falling on deaf ears. Maybe this sign will act as a sign to someone out there, or maybe not...

"The Stork was a Lie (found on the tag of my wife’s maternity PJ’s)."

I feel like, after the first trimester or so, you start to figure out that the whole stork idea is nothing but fiction. You might also figure it out if you've ever been to school. Solid joke either way, though.

This bag probably had an exciting life once upon a time.

Just imagine what this bag could've been in a previous life. Maybe it was a water bottle. Or maybe it was a grocery bag. Or something even more exciting. Thanks to this Easter egg, we'll always wonder.

"One day, little buddie."

If that recycled bag had an exciting past life, this recyclable plastic cup is destined for an exciting future life. Who knows what the future could hold for this cup (assuming it doesn't just end up in a landfill).

"Punny joke found on my air filter."

Venting is important. Like, the kind that happens in your house. The kind where you tell someone about your problems is also important, though. Maybe not quite as important as making sure your house's airways are working properly, though.

"IRL Ant-Man."

Ant-Man can shrink to the size of, well, an ant, so this is totally believable. What a fun way to turn a post that's leaning strangely into a cool scene that was ripped straight out of an Avengers movie.

"Cute pet hospital invoice (personal info blacked out)."

I'm sure that being a vet isn't always fun and games, but being able to hug cute pets sure seems like a perk. And they don't even charge for it. How considerate of them!

"Found at local retail store, gave me a good laugh."

I know this is just a clever little joke (as are the majority of the things in this list), but I also choose to believe the company had to put that on there because witches were buying their whole stock.

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