16 People Who Probably Regret All Of This

I know what you're thinking. Regrets? Isn't that the classic animated series from Klasky Csupo Productions, about the group of babies who go on adventures together? But no, you're unfortunately and hilariously mistaken. That's not regrets. That's Rugrats. How embarrassing for you.

No, today's less about Tommy Pickles and more about people who get themselves into their own pickles.

1. Now, who could have expected that this kind of behavior could have some less than fortunate circumstances?

Reddit | MasonAtor19

Now, I'm assuming that some of you internet detectives are going to point out that because of reason X, Y, and Z, this is actually a different car, and frankly, I welcome it.

2. That moment when you wonder what it is exactly that you've gotten yourself into.


That being said, the fact that she was able to find this exact question worded in (presumably) the exact way she wanted to ask it says that she's not the first person to find herself in this very specific situation.

3. It's a little-known fact that baseball hats are very partial to microwave ramen.

Reddit | xoxeau

They have very efficient metabolisms so they don't have to eat very often, but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy getting their beaks wet every so often.

4. Honestly, Grant, I have very little to say except thank you.

Reddit | hayden3740

Now, if you could just accidentally order too many avocados, I may be able to make my mortgage payments this month. Haha, zing. Boy, do people ever love millennial humor.

5. At first, the frisbee was nervous that the mutation had forced it to grow an extra mouth.

Reddit | niksec

But ultimately, it realized that it just meant it had twice as many smiles to offer the world.

6. If by "sticker roll" you mean a single sheet of stickers suspiciously wrapped around a deceptive cardboard tube, then yes.

Reddit | not_james

Most of the time, I try to convince people to follow Fred Durst's advice and just keep on rollin', baby. But in this case, the rollin' just needs to stop.

7. In theory, this is a terrific presentation of the idea. In practice, it just makes it look like you spend a lot of time staring at bums.

Reddit | wackadooMC

Somehow, it's even worse laying there on a seat.

8. Honestly, the mailperson is just giving you a heads up about how valuable that diploma is going to be in the future.

Reddit | cHockeyProHatty

I shouldn't say that. Just because my degree got me a job writing lists on the internet doesn't mean you all have to give up on your dreams.

9. I've heard of knockoff clothes before, but this seems a little ridiculous.

Reddit | silverstatus

In case you're missing it, there's a big ol' Shutterstock watermark across the shoulder of this shirt. Does that mean I'm technically stealing this picture from them? Who knows?

10. It's a hydro-bird, it's hydro-plane! It's...probably a concussion!

Wow, that is a tremendousamount of force that water is moving with. That being said, even after watching that accident, I'd probably still be next in line to try it.

11. Unfortunately, with all this automation coming through our lives, we sometimes forget that there might be a real person on the other end of things.

Imgur | poorlydrawngoat

Not that we should be abusing bots, either. They've got long memories, so check yourself before you get assimilated into the hive mind or whatever.

12. I mean, it's good for the doctor to be keeping up on all the latest research, right?

Imgur | poorlydrawngoat

Or maybe, they're just a really big fan of the David Boreanaz/Emily Deschanel/police/anthropology procedural series Bones?

13. Sometimes, reality checks come in all shapes and sizes.

Imgur | JenBoston

I think I'd have to draw the line at my tea literally being the one to spill the tea on me, though. That seems like too much to handle first thing in the morning.

14. Proving once and for all that every once in a while, once you pop, you can stop.

eBaum's World

And honestly, still better than those duck lip photos that Pringles kept wanting everyone to post. Yes, we get it. It looks vaguely like duck lips when you put two Pringles together. Show me something new.

15. Well, you've gone and done it. You've somehow been able to make ice cream unappealing.

Instagram | @memepgirl61

Well done, random gray ice cream vendor. You've managed to do what my lactose intolerance could only dream of.

16. It's easy to look at this picture and think that he's the one with regrets, but I prefer the version of the story where Beyoncé looks over at Jay-Z every night and wonders about the life she might have had with this other guy.

Twitter | @JaackSavy

But seriously, he's probably kicking himself.

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