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'Boys Can Be Princesses Too' Project Aims To Prove A Child's Imagination Should Have No Limits

Kids today are typically granted more freedom and flexibility in how they choose to play and in what capacity. One has just to glimpse little girls walking down the street in superhero capes to know that gendered associations have all but been abolished when it comes to kid's play.

But one photographer is making it her mission to ensure those boundaries are also being broken down for little boys.

Photographer Kitty Wolf launched the 'Boys Can Be Princesses Too' project that depicts little boys dressed as their favorite princesses.

Kitty Wolf Photography

Kitty Wolf is a Chicago-based photographer who runs a fantasy and cosplay photography company, and recently launched a project called "Boys Can Be Princesses Too" to celebrate imagination and play in children of all genders.

She has extensive experience doing princess parties.

Facebook | Boys Can Be Princesses Too

She has lots of experience cosplaying as a princess, and has worked princess parties for little boys.

One time, she overheard two little girls chastising a boy for wanting to play as a princess: “...and it hit me, boys as princesses. I have a team of professional princesses, some basic photography skills and sizable Facebook following so I just went for it.”

She was further inspired by Gillette's controversial toxic masculinity ad.

YouTube | Gillette

When Gillette aired their controversial commercial that took aim at toxic masculinity, she saw an opportunity to contribute to the conversation.

“As a company, I have a wider audience to send a message—what kind of message do I want to send out there,” Wolf said to Parents.

The project's recent Facebook post has gone viral.

Facebook | Boys Can Be Princesses Too

Wolf released a set of photos recently in which little boys are dressed as their favorite princesses. In her caption she writes: "I'm thrilled to introduce you to Princess Calvin, Princess Teddy, Princess Elias, and Princess Tobias! May their joy and laughter shine throughout the world with these photos."

The point of the project is to support all kids in all forms of play.

Facebook | Boys Can Be Princesses Too

“Society seems to have no problem when girls play as male superheroes, like Thor and Iron Man, but lots of people get offended to their very core if a boy wears a princess dress,” Wolf said to Red Tricycle.

While she says the project has received some backlash, most of the response has been positive.

Facebook | Boys Can Be Princesses Too

“Many comments have been from people that said a project like this would have helped make them feel less alone growing up and THAT is what I hope to accomplish,” Wolf said.

“If one child sees these pictures and feels better about themselves, then it’s all been worth it.”

'Let's celebrate kids.'

Facebook | Boys Can Be Princesses Too

The project's website features a heartwarming photo shoot with "Princess Calvin" dressed as Cinderella and acting out some key scenes in the tale. And his mom couldn't be happier.

​"A child's gender doesn't dictate the toys they want to play with. Or the clothes they wear. Or their favorite colors. Or their emotional response to things," Calvin's mom said. "Let's celebrate kids for their kid-ness and let them be little!"

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