
FedEx Driver Sanitizes Package For Girl With Autoimmune Disorder

One FedEx delivery driver's wonderful act of kindness has gone viral across social media, warming people's hearts during these unsettling times.

It can be hard to feel at ease at present.

Unsplash | RoseBox رز باکس

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, people are continuing to practice appropriate social distancing and staying within their homes to keep the population safe.

However, people still need deliveries.

Some, however, are more at threat than others.

Twitter | @Cure4emma

Certain households have had to put up signs, much like the one above, in order to warn people who may need to come near the house, that there are people inside who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19.

Carrie Blasi tweeted the above picture earlier this month in relation to a heartwarming story.

Carrie's 11-year-old daughter suffers from Type 1 diabetes.

Twitter | @Cure4emma

One FedEx delivery driver making a delivery to Carrie's house showed particular kindness earlier this month.

Carrie took to Twitter to write, "We have a sign on our door for packages/mail as our 11 year old daughter is a Type 1 Diabetic", and tweeted the picture of the above package, which contained a particularly heart-warming message.

The delivery driver had personally sanitized the entire package.

Twitter | @Cure4emma

Carrie's tweet went on to say, "Our Federal Express delivery guy wrote this on our box 'I sanitized your box once I’ve seen the note on your door' - and you can tell that he used sanitizer wipes on the box. Amazing!!"

Carrie was incredibly moved by the gesture, and the wonderful delivery driver was eventually tracked down and identified as one Justin Bradshaw. Carrie and Justin were also able to meet up virtually for Carrie to share her thanks face to face.

Thousands have been sharing their praise for Justin's compassionate work.

Twitter | @justinb77555105

Carrie's initial tweet has since received over two thousand likes, with plenty of people taking to the comments to thank Justin (pictured above), and to even ask FedEx to give him a raise! With people writing the likes of:

"my daughter also has a health condition, so this brought a tear to my eye. @FedEx should not only give him a raise, but feature him in their next commercial. His compassion is inspiring."

"Thank you Justin! Not just for the job you're doing right now, but for reminding me there are still good people w empathy in this world!"

"As a fellow type 1 diabetic, this makes me so incredibly happy! Thank you to that wonderful driver. And to Emma and her mom, you guys are amazing!"

Hopefully, Justin's actions will remind people that there is still good in the world.

Twitter | @sweeterdanhoney

Justin's Twitter page quickly became flooded with people trying to express their thanks to Justin, so he set up an educational fund for his two daughters which you can donate to on his Twitter page; he wrote, "y’all have been asking and the generosity is overwhelming - my wife and I are so grateful. With the greatest amount of humility we set up an education fund for Nova & Reagan, I can honestly say that I never expected anything, I'm literally shocked by the reaction".

While these may seem like dark times, there are still people out there showing that there is still kindness in the hearts and minds of our fellow man. I hope that this wonderful story of human kindness brightened your day today!

h/t: Yahoo!