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'Floaty Pants' Are The Stylish Life Jacket Substitutes We Never Knew We Needed

Life jackets are great for saving lives, but I can't be the only one who thinks that they can be a little bit awkward to swim in sometimes.

While essential for water safety, especially for kids, these jackets don't exactly help us cut through the waves very easily, and most of the time we end up just bobbing in place in the water like a bunch of useless, albeit buoyant, saps.

But what if you could get the same life-saving properties from a different type of flotation device?

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'Floaty Pants' are exactly the kind of thing we've been looking for. Okay, we weren't exactly looking for them, but we're glad we found them. According to Best Products, these dashing trousers might look a bit silly, but they're exactly the kind of genius invention that takes you a moment to really appreciate.

At first glance, sure, they're kind of ridiculous. And yeah, they do look like giant water diapers. But think about how much movement these will offer you!

Remember those times as a kid when you tried putting on your life jacket upside to see what would happen?

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Yeah, this is basically like doing just that, except it will fit a lot more comfortably and probably work a lot better, too.

Sold on Amazon, these pants are described as being "stuffed with super-floaty and moisture resistant EPE foam to let you float higher in the water," so you know you'll definitely float in them. They're also perfect for helping to keep you balanced in the water and your hands free, so you can hold a drink comfortably without risking any spillage.

There are a range of Floaty Pants options to suit every mood and every personality out there.

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A quick glimpse on Amazon shows that you can not only customize your flotation diaper by color, but you can also live your most extra life and find a unique pattern that best suits you.

Just take a look at some of this envy-worthy Floaty Pants designs.

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Maybe your summer body isn't working out to be exactly what you wanted it to be. Never fear, just pick up a pair of Floaty Pants with a finely sculpted set of abs on the front.

Feeling patriotic? Snag yourself a pair with an American flag Speedo design. It's your world, and these are your Floaty Pants.

Each pair of pants retails for $44.99 on Amazon and people are raving about them in the reviews.

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Most customers are excited that the pants make it easier to hold a cold beverage in the water without it getting wet, which is always a good thing. Others said the pants gave them and their friends some good laughs and make for perfect birthday gifts. There are, however, a few drawbacks.

One woman said her husband's belly was too large to fit comfortably inside the pants, while another jacket the strap between the legs is too narrow, resulting in a "constant uncomfortable wedgie." But overall, everyone can agree on one thing: these pants will definitely keep you afloat. And really, isn't that what matters most?

h/t: Best Products

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