Reddit | EbolaNoodleSoup

17 Pics That Took Some Time To Figure Out

Sometimes, it takes a second look to figure out what's going on in a scene. Heck, sometimes it takes a third, fourth or fifth look. Sometimes, you'll never quite be sure what you're looking at.

These pictures all make sense when you take the time to look at them. At least, I think they do.

"The angle for the thumbnail image of this article really messed with me."

Reddit | youngManNFW

We started this list with a doozy. Just look at the road on the right and the sign, ignoring what's on the left. It should make sense.

"The cloud's shadows make it look like they're floating islands."

Reddit | WheatenFang40

We're so used to seeing shadows under objects that, on first glance, seeing floating islands with shadows underneath doesn't even seem that weird.

"Marrying an owl."

Reddit | ionelystoner

This positioning is so perfect that it's barely a photobomb at all, and more of a happy accident.

"Me too tbh."

Reddit | Flashy_Underware

At first I was wondering why someone would be so proud of the fact that they just slopped food all over the place.

"Draw me as one of your French girls."

Reddit | settingswrong

Yeah, you can clearly see this guy's real legs and how he's standing. But for just a moment, things looked a little more sassy.

"Giant smoking on the beach."

The rocks in the foreground blend in so seamlessly with the beach in the background that it's hard to tell where the dividing line is.

"This is a photo of a car."

Reddit | vapejews

It took me awhile, so I'll help you out. Just focus on the left side of the image, which shows a (very) glossy, shiny car.

"The mailbox looks like the pistol in GoldenEye."

Reddit | rxblows

I don't know about you, but I can totally hear this image. It sounds like N64 music and low-quality sound effects.

"My two headed dog."

Reddit | Wonderlustking1

You're only supposed to see a proper Cerberus at the gates of Hades, but I guess there's also one in the back of this car.

"Door to door sale people keep bugging me."

Reddit | older-and-wider

The fact that perspective makes it look like this is a six-foot-tall bug standing on the path is deeply unnerving.

"Caught a couple Canada geese passing by while I was imaging the moon."

Reddit | KuriousHumanPics

Geese can't fly to the moon or anywhere close to it, but that doesn't mean they can't be juxtaposed with it.

"Captured a bird flying straight upwards and pooping."

Reddit | -acidlean-

Two things: capturing a bird mid-poop is perfect timing, and also, I didn't know birds could take off in such a vertical manner.

"This can happen when you blink faster than the shutter on the camera."

Reddit | cptndv23

It doesn't seem like it should be possible for a camera to capture a reflection that's a split-second out of time, but it totally is.

"This electrical hookup box on the back of this Pepsi semi truck is designed to look like a box of Pepsi."

Reddit | EbolaNoodleSoup

I wonder how many times a thirsty truck stop patron has seen this box and tried to sneak a can of Pepsi.

"Species: [Unknown]."

Reddit | -red-5

This didn't even look that weird until I noticed that one of the animal's 'legs' is actually an ostrich neck.

"He's a great little performer."

Reddit | RKEEHP

I wonder if his voice scales with his size. Like, would a six-inch-tall singer sound like Alvin or one of the other chipmunks?

"This message above my bed."

Reddit | moxie1218wolf

Call me old-fashioned, but I like it best when textured ceilings don't have creepy hidden messages hidden on them.

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