Unsplash | Ben White

19 People Share The Pettiest Things They've Ever Done

Being petty is a favorite pastime of many.

There's something about feeling justified from those who wronged you.

You might change the wifi password on your cheapskate roommate who didn't pay you or send your rude husband off to work without a lunch.

We're not saying it's right, but it does feel good! Here, people share the pettiest things they've ever done.

The high school

Unsplash | Scott Webb

Every time this Redditor passes by their old high school, they swear at it or give it a finger. Don't lie; you probably do the same to your old school or work!

If this person doesn't do it, they don't feel right.

The disgruntled renter

Unsplash | Ochir-Erdene Oyunmedeg

"Had a terrible experience with an incompetent landlord. One of the many things I did to improve the property was to turn the barren back yard into a grassy, green, flowered eden. When the lease was up, I tilled 10 lbs of salt into the soil." - u/Doc_Vestibule

Revenge best served sweet

"One of my former bosses was an unholy nightmare to work with. Her principal rival owned a chain of ice cream shops. So whenever she really pissed me off, I'd go buy ice cream at one of his establishments just to spite her. It was the most delicious form of pettiness." - u/BlindWillieJohnson

The wifi password is "petty"


When this person's roommate only paid them seven dollars for the wifi when they owed them 10, they changed the wifi password so it was 10 digits long and only gave her seven of them.

"I told her she could have the rest when she paid me."

The weight gain

"I found out my mate's ex is an emotional eater. I intentionally had fresh baked goods around every time they stopped by. Happy? Celebrate with some cake! Stressed? Have a brownie and tell me about it. They gained 60lb in 4 months." - u/NovelDame

Lunch made with a sprinkle of petty

Unsplash | Louis Hansel

"I was fighting with my SO, don't remember why. I had already offered to make him a lunch for work so I got 2 pieces of bread, put them in a sandwich bag and threw a can of tuna in. Left a note that said "enjoy your lunch [expletive]". He wasn't even mad." - u/SprintingPredator

The lightbulb moment

When this girl got into a fight with her boyfriend, she had a lightbulb moment: take all the lightbulbs from the apartment.

Then, she went to her friend's house for the night. #genius

The group project


"Doing a presentation in university with four other people however one member of the group contributed virtually nothing to it. To get back at him I made the size of his name 0.5 less on our report and presentation. Petty but justified." - u/KennyCM

A low tune

Unsplash | Jacek Dylag

"Got mad at my brother over something stupid that I don't remember, went in his room and detuned his guitar till the strings were floppy." - u/johnnygardian. Anyone who knows guitars knows this is annoying to fix.

The cheating ex

Unsplash | Jez Timms

When this girl found out that her boyfriend cheated on her, she broke up with him AND hid all types of moldy blue cheese in his car.

Since he only used the car during the weekends, it had the whole week to melt.

The inconvenience fee

"Was closing up the store when a customer and a friend came in at the very last minute asking for a service that normally costs $30. I could have turned them down and said we were closed, but instead I charged them $50 without telling them the real price. I consider the extra $20 an inconvenience fee." - u/deleted

The emasculation


"A few weeks ago, my husband bought a cd rack and tried (unsuccessfully) to put it together. A little while later, we got in a fight and I put the damn thing together in about ten minutes right in front of him while we fought, just to make him feel emasculated." - u/deleted

Steaming toilet water

Unsplash | Giorgio Trovato

When this person was in fifth grade (young for a petty one!), their family pissed them off. Since they had to iron everyone's clothes, they got back at them by filling the iron with toilet water.

The bet

Unsplash | Michael Longmire

"My friend owed me ten dollars as repayment for a bet. she repaid me $9.99. now, whenever i go to her house, i wear a ski mask and pretend to break into her house to steal the additional one cent she owes me." - u/storefront

The dog poop

"My neighbors (a couple with 1 dog) don't pick up their dog's [expletive]. I pick up the poop and pile them up by their car doors hoping they will either step in it or just be bothered enough to do something about it." - u/rckymtnrfc

The pizza delivery driver

Unsplash | Arantxa Aniorte

The ultimate form of pettiness for a delivery driver would be to spit in the food.

We're so glad this Redditor didn't do that. Instead, they would hold the pizza of known cheapskates out their car window to get it cold and would shake up their beverages real good.

The mac and cheese drink


"A co-worker I didn't like drank my orange juice and said I should have put my name on it. The next day, I gave him his own 'orange juice.' What he didn't know was that it was water mixed with mac and cheese powder." - charlese4a8c82b5a

The power trip

Unsplash | Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk

"Some idiot thought my email address was his. I replied to his friends & family telling them he's giving out the wrong address. Some would apologize, yet I kept getting his emails. When I got his flight and hotel confirmations, I cancelled all his travel plans." -u/Yams

The crumbs

"Sister left crumbs on the kitchen counter, I asked her politely to clean them up. She walked away without a word. I collected all the crumbs and scattered it all over her room." - u/RocketPawnch

H/T: Reddit